Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Leeuwin Current

The Leeuwin Current is a warm ocean current that flows towards the south around the Western Australian coast and turns towards the east passing through Cape Leeuwin. It continues towards the Great Australian Bight influencing as far as Tasmania. It was discovered a hundred years ago when an investigation of the marine life of the Abrolhos Islands was conducted by William Saville-Kent. It was alleged that there was a warm current flowing towards the south off Western Australia instead of the anticipated cool current that was going towards the north in the bounds of southern Africa and South America. This supposition was based on his observations of warm waters and tropical marine flora and fauna around the Abrolhos Islands. It was only during the dawn of the satellite technology in 1970s that the existence of the southwards-flowing current was finally confirmed. It was then named the Leeuwin Current by George Cresswell and Terry Golding, with its name coming from a merchant ship called Leeuwin, which meant Lioness. The Leeuwin current’s strength varied all through out the year. Its current was strongest during autumn and winter, on the months of April to October, because the opposing winds are weakest. The weakest Leeuwin current’s strength, on the other hand, is weakest during November to March. It is during this season when there are strong winds blowing towards the north opposing the southwards flow of the current. The most productive fisheries are due to the Leeuwin current’s rush of cool waters rich with nutrients. Here are the contributions that the Leeuwin current brought to the marine life and the aquatic environment that it flows through. The existence of true corals at the Abrolhos Islands and the transport of tropical marine species at the west coast and onto the Great Australian Bight are due to this current. This is because the Leeuwin Current causes the continental shelf waters of Western Australia to be warmer in winter than the regions equivalent of that in southern Africa and Chile during summer. The Houtman Abrolhos Islands which is near the edge of the continental shift off of Geraldton, is the southernmost true building corals in the Indian Ocean partly due to the effect of the nutrient-rich tropical waters of the Leeuwin current. The Leeuwin current is seldom to flow around the east of Rottnest but it oftentimes pass by its western and southwestern areas thereby also influencing the flora and fauna there. The coastal waters are relatively nutrient-poor and the fisheries are correspondingly different due to the tropical Leeuwin Current, thus we can infer that the current has a very important impact on both the climate and the marine ecosystem of Western Australia. It is also accountable for the availability of tropical marine organisms at the west and south coasts, as much far south than it could be expected. As a sample, the Leeuwin current was a major contributor to the southern bluefin tuna, the western rock lobster and a number of Australia’s coastal commercial fisheries. As it was seen by collective investigative reports done by CSIRO and the Fisheries Western Australia that spanned for the past 30 years, it was confirmed that there was a link between ocean circulation and lobster recruitment. During late winter and early spring, the puerulus, or the small rock lobsters, are carried by ocean currents back to the continental shelf and inshore coastal regions. Studies had shown that the settlement of these small rock lobsters were closely related with the changes in the flow strength of the Leeuwin Current, which is also linked with the occurrences of El Nino – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and westerly winds. It was discovered that puerulus settlement was poor during the El Nino years, when the Leeuwin Current tends to be weak. Also, during the La Nina years, the Current tends to flow more strongly and the rock lobsters settlement was much greater as was measured by satellite sensors. The results simply showed that larger counter-clockwise eddies help larvae settle off the south western Australia, instead of being swept away towards the south. Other species that the WA Fisheries marine biologists were able to link to the strength of the Leeuwin current was that of the pilchards (sardines) on the south coast region near Albany. Also, according to data on fishery, it was seen that there is a negative relationship between the great quantities of the two-year fish with the strength of the Leeuwin Current, measured two years before the fishes’ spawning period. Another was also the whitebait. According to studies, it was concluded that the stronger the Leeuwin Current was, the greater the relative catch of whitebait will be in the next year. The presence of Australian salmon in South Australia was also related to the Leeuwin Current.It was expected that when the Leeuwin Current was flowing strongly and that warmer waters penetrate onto the continental shelf, it was also expected that the fish may simply migrate offshore into deeper cooler waters. References: Leeuwin Current. (n.d.) Retrieved August 14, 2007 from A. F. Pearce and B. F. Phillips. (1988). ENSO events, the Leeuwin Current, and larval recruitment of the western rock lobster. Retrieved August 14, 2007 from Â  

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Deadly Unna Film Essay

Australian Rules A comparative review by Anita Jetnikoff (QUT) for Australian Screen Education. Published as: Jetnikoff, Anita (2003) Australian Rules: a comparative review. Australian Screen Education(30):36-38. The title may mislead some viewers, as this is not a film about a football code, anymore than Bend it with Beckham is about soccer. This powerful, brave and rather brutal feature is the debut of Paul Goldman, who co-wrote the screenplay with the novelist Phillip Gwynne. Both the storylines and characters from Gwynne’s awardwinning novel Deadly Unna? nd its sequel Nukkin Ya, have been combined in the film, which was commissioned by South Australian Film Corporation for the Adelaide Festival of Arts 2002, and caused a furore with the local Aboriginal community. The film was screened after much deliberation over the objections against depictions of a character resembling a member of the Penninsular community. This certainly suggests collaboration with Indigenous communities could have been sought at earlier stages of the project. In my reading of the film, however, it is the white community who emerge the more brutal, bigoted and shameful. The Aboriginal community, on the other hand, represent solidarity, and sharing. The film was released and promoted by Palace, with the slogan ‘live by the rules play by the rules’. There is, however, an almost apartheid divide between the black [Nunga) and white [Goonya) communities in this film and the central character’s personal navigating between the two, means he must break unwritten rules. The film is based on aspects of two novels, the partly autobiographical novel Deadly Unna, and its sequel, Nukkin Ya, Nunga expressions for ‘Great hey’ and ‘See you later’. Both novels were easy to read and full of humour in spite of the serious subject matter of racism, interracial relationships, adolescent angst, death and revenge. The novels belong to the adolescent problem or coming-of-age genre and are being studied in secondary schools. The film has little of the novels’ lightness and the narrator’s ability to laugh at himself and his community’s foibles. This sometimes disturbing film’s tone is brutal, the landscape stark, sordid and in decay. Most of the characters occupying the saline, arid coastal town are nasty. The adult men are barflies, maggot breeders, fornicators and losers and the women are victims or sluts. This hopeless adult world offers nothing for the young in this fishing town. Viewers are invited to identify with the young, for whom hope lies in escape. The central figure of Blacky (Nathan Phillips), is an intelligent 14 year old caught between the literary world of his imagination and the literal world of his small towns’ bigotry. His mother, who encourages him to play football and to do well at school, is a battler, a victim of his father’s brutality. The dilapidated house the Black family occupy oozes poverty and neglect. These are white fringe dwellers. In the novel Blacky refers to what kind of chops the family will consume as indicative of the ‘pov metre’. They shop at the local op shop. Like many small rural Australian towns, this coastal community struggles to survive. The black and white communities in the region are divided, separated physically by a stretch of coastline, whites at the port and blacks at the point. Even the local pub segregates the Aboriginal drinkers from the white ones. The irony is that the local football team is only viable when the Aboriginal boys come over from the point to play. The sporting fixture allows the communities to merge, but the union stops there. Blacky crosses the racial divide to befriend Dumby Red (Luke Carroll) a talented Aboriginal Australian Rules Player from the Point and to romance Dumby’s sister Clarence (Lisa Flanagan). Whereas book built up the friendship through Blacky’s doubt and hesitation about Dumby, this is not dealt with in the film. The film opens with the two characters already mates, sitting together in the dilapidated shed of the red dirt football field, commiserating over the ineffectiveness of their coach, Arks (Kevin Harrington). Dumby’s spectacular football prowess has been spotted by a city talent scout, which sets up the need for him to win best Player in the final against a much stronger team. A contract to a city football team would mean a possible escape from the bigotry and emptiness of the Penninsular—his chance to be a sporting success. Blacky finds himself an unwitting hero and awarded best team man for winning the premiership game. He unwittingly collides with the toughest star player on the opposing team and is knocked unconscious, along with his gigantic opponent. The shooting sequences of the match were not especially riveting, but this was in keeping with the importance of the game to the story. The film is not about winning or losing, but the personal integrity of the play or the journey in the ongoing process of discovering identity. The medal for ‘Best on the Ground’, rightly belonged to Dumby Red. His ticket out of the hopeless community, however, was denied to him, because rather than kicking a sure goal, he had passed a ball to a cousin who had not handled the ball all day. The cultural code of sharing was stronger than the competitive need to win. In the film, the loss of the award to the coach’s son paves the way for Dumby’s tragic demise. He joins Pretty (Tony Briggs) in an armed robbery of the pub, perhaps to extract an alternative prize to the one he’d been denied. The publican, Mac, laid out in a drunken stupor on the pool table, is beaten even more senseless by Pretty. The noise rouses Blacky’s father (Simon Westaway) who shoots and kills his son’s friend Dumby Red in revenge for the publican’s beating. In the novel the publican was the murderer, but the film’s central villain is Blacky’s father, Bob, who represents fear, loathing and menace. His violent rages left his own family in fear of him. In one memorable scene they escape his menacing torment of their mother behind closed doors by escaping through the window and sleeping in the chicken coop. The feeling is that this experience was not new to them. Blacky is torn in the novel between his initial attraction to Clarence in Deadly Unna, which he conceals from his white ‘friends’ in order to attract the attention of a rich white ‘camper’ girl. In the sequel this relationship between Blacky and Clarence and Blacky and his father represent two kinds of coming of age. His masculinity is tested early on in a storm at sea and later when he was caught in the shed stealing paint to cover a racist slogan in the local boatshed. His intelligence means little to his father, and his good grades and scholarship to Kings College in Adelaide are ignored. In the sequel Nukkin Ya, the filial relationship seems almost mended when his father takes on the renovation of a ‘windjammer’ to bring potential tourism to the town. His father’s project becomes obsessive at the expense of putting food on the family’s table, but the male relationship seems to be temporarily repaired along with the boat, which becomes symbolic of rebuilding strength, unity and hope around the fantasy of the future. In the novels we experience Blacky’s angst at discovering his father’s infidelity to his mother. Blacky and his friend Pickles, stumble upon their adulterous fathers visiting the Aboriginal women at the point. The irony of this is that the entire community seemed set gainst the burgeoning love relationship between Blacky and Dumby’s sister Clarence. The fact that the cross-race relationship of the father is not dealt with in the film makes his violent reaction to finding Clarence innocently sleeping alongside Blacky in his bedroom connected more with his hatred of Aboriginal people, than it is to do with his guilt over murdering Dumby Red. It is a response reduced to racism alone, rather than his own guilt and hypocrisy, which in the novels is built up subtly through the two volumes. The antagonist in the second novel, having moved away from the father, is embodied by the figure of Lovely (Pretty, in the film) who menaces Blacky over his relationship with Clarence. Lovely sports a hate tattoo on his fingers and is a violent instigator in both book and film. The disclosure of the white men’s infidelity at the expense of the black women, who remain nameless and faceless, leads to the climax of the second novel. The boat is set alight, which symbolizes the death of the relationships between Blacky and his father and his community. Lovely is framed, Blacky absolves Lovely in court by taking the blame, but Pickles (Tom Budge ) was the real arsonist. This false confession, leads to Blacky becoming a cipher in his own town, where boats and the sea are peoples workplaces. He becomes a ‘boat burner’ in the cultural imaginary and is forced to leave. In the film this purging is less powerful and seems to emerge from some kind of corporate malice rather than revenge. Pickles manically sets alight rival maggot breeder Darcy’s breeding drums, which has less symbolic poignancy than the boat burning in the novel. Blacky’s central challenge in the film is to reaffirm his masculinity by standing up to his father, through the relationship with Clarence. Blacky is constructed by his father as a ‘gutless wonder. ’ Blacky’s painful journey to manhood, is much harsher in the film than the book. In the novel the father is a violent adulterer, but in the film, he kills Blacky’s best friend. Blacky’s attendance at Dumby’s funeral represents a betrayal of familial solidarity in the eyes of the father. The relationship was not strong enough however, for Blacky to take his father’s side. At this point, Blacky abdicates from identifying with his father. He has begun to flee the emasculated self constructed by his father, towards a more potent, sexual self, embodied by his attraction and identification with the other through the literal ‘body’ of Dumby and the physical, sexual body of Clarence. What is morally worrisome is that the father, who both Blacky and the viewer see as a murderer, continues to live in the community with impugnity, the ‘common sense’ gap we fill is that he claims he shot Dumby in selfdefense. Blacky courageously resists his father’s imperative to stay away from the funeral. In the film’s powerful and moving climax, the battered, but united family in the background witnesses the final stand off between father and son. Blacky literally stands up to his father, not by competing in battle of fists, but resisting by sheer will and strength of character. The father leaves in a vicious rage and we can’t help feeling that the family will be better off with him gone. The second novel Nukkin Ya begins with hope of Blacky taking a scholarship at Kings in Adelaide. His girlfriend Clarence achieves a scholarship to art school and Blacky has a reason to follow her. The film ends with the two young lovers romantically swimming in the clear waters, symbolically cleansing themselves of the grime and grease of prejudice, which had tainted their relationship until that point. The film treats the romance in a much lighter way than the books. There is no stand off between the characters; in fact Clarence becomes Blacky’s bridge between the two cultures. In the film it is Clarence who stands up to Bob Black in Blacky’s bedroom with dignity and silent resistance. Lisa Flanagan’s performance was elegant and dignified. It was Clarence who gently cut through the wall of hostility from the Nunga boys at her brother’s funeral- allowing Blacky to mourn his friend’s death. It was Clarence who understood Blacky’s poetic allusions to dying stars- these two are cosmically connected and there is an almost Shakespearean sense of their fate. The love scenes provide the film’s only softness and the resolution, although moving, is not sentimental. The young people must leave the still-divided community, to survive together.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assessing The Confucianism On Relationships Cultural Studies Essay

Assessing The Confucianism On Relationships Cultural Studies Essay Confucianism has been the main foundation of traditional thought that is deeply rooted in Chinese society. Confucianism is ethical teachings rather than a religion as described in Western literatures. Confucianism is widely regarded as the behavioral or moral regulations that are mainly concerned with human relationships, social structures, virtuous behavior and work ethics. In Confucianism, rules are specified for the social behavior of every individual, governing the entire range of interpersonal relations within the society. The core virtues of Confucius basic teaching can be extracted as Ren (Humanity), Yi (Righteousness), Li (Propriety), Zhi (Wisdom) and Xin (Faithfulness). According to Confucius, each person had a specific place in society, certain rules to follow and certain duties to fulfill. Confucius hoped that if people knew what was expected of them they would behave accordingly. He, therefore, set up Five Cardinal Relations, in which most people are involved, moreover h e also laid down the principles for each relation. These can be illustrated as follows: Basic Human Relations Principles Sovereign and subject (master and follower) Loyalty and duty Father and son Love and obedience Elder and younger brothers Seniority and modeling subject Husband and wife Obligation and submission Friend and friend Trust Source: Fan, 2000 All of these five, except the last, involve the authority of one person over another. Power and the right to rule belong to superiors over subordinates. Each person has to give obedience and respect to his/her ‘superiors’; the subject to his/her ruler, the wife to her husband, the son to his parents, and the younger brother to the older brother. The ‘superior’, however, owes loving responsibility to the subordinates. These relationships are structured to generate optimal benefits for both parties, and the principles are laid to achieve a harmonious society (Fan, 2000). Among these five basic human relatio ns, three are family relations, which show strong family-orientation in the Chinese society. Such a characteristic when applied to organizational management, leads to the birth of a parternalistic management style in Chinese society (Hsiao, et al., 1990). As China is a high context culture (Hall, 1976) and places much emphasis on Confucianism, relationships within the Chinese society have been explained in terms of harmony, hierarchy, and development of morality and kinship (Shenkar and Ronen, 1987). Defining Guanxi Under the impact of Confucianism, China is a nation whose social relationships are neither individual-based nor society-based, but typically a relationship-based society (Liang, 1974), in which almost everyone tries to maintain Guanxi. Guanxi, which literally means social relationship or social connection, is a prevalent cultural phenomenon that has strong implications for interpersonal and interorganisational dynamics in Chinese society. The concept of Guanxi is enormou sly rich, complex and dynamic (Yang, 2001). In English as well as Chinese, it can be defined at various levels and from different perspectives. Chen and Chen (2004) argue that rather than social networks or interpersonal relationships found in the Western literature, Guanxi should be viewed as an indigenous Chinese construct and should be defined as an informal, particularistic personal connection between two individuals who are bounded by an implicit psychological contract to follow the social norms as maintaining a long-term relationship, mutual commitment, loyalty, and obligation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discuss the history of violent video games and its effect on crime Essay - 1

Discuss the history of violent video games and its effect on crime (using case studies as examples) - Essay Example This is particularly true of violent video games as there has been a strong association between the playing of violent video games and increase in crime amongst youths. It has been analyzed that the playing of violent video games has resulted in many criminal acts which include robberies as well as murders. This paper will serve to explain the history of these violent video games and their strong association with acts of crime that have taken place owing to the negative impact of these violent video games. There has been a great rise in the popularity of video games and the number of people playing these games has widely increased. It is believed that children of the age group from 8 to 18 years in the United States have an exposure of 40 hours out of seven days to different forms of media. There has been a sharp increase in the exposure to video games by the children and the teenagers. It has been analyzed that children even as young as two years play video games on an average of one hour every day. In the age group of 8 to 13 year old boys, it has been seen that they tend to play video games for more than approximately 7.5 hours in a single week. Another very important aspect that has been highlighted is that a research among teenagers explained the fact that the games that they purchased were not reviewed and analyzed by their parents and hence there is no check on the nature of the video games that are played by these children (Anderson et al 2001). It has been found out that 75 p ercent of the teenagers actually purchase and play video games that are meant for adults and these games have very high content of violence and negativities portrayed in them (Adams, 2010). The extent of the violence exposure has been explained by the statistics in a study which shows that in the United States, the young generation is exposed to 40,000 killings by some form of media by

First World War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

First World War - Essay Example This is a reflection of the large numbers of deaths, which finally made the war unpopular on all sides. None of this means, however, that the war was unpopular in some countries to begin with. The European powers were still rivals for the spoils of Africa, and certainly Britain suffered from 'Jingoism' (A popular term for what is almost outward-directed xenophobia, extreme rivalry and bigotry aimed at Britain's economic rivals), and the majority of the other nations involved in the war did so too. Perhaps the only member of the Great War who was not a willing combatant is Russia, who entered into battle almost by accident, having become a third party in the Anglo-French Entente. Even there, however, public feeling was partially aroused by the 'neo Slav' movement "The Neo-Slavs envisaged truly independent Slavic nations in a free association"2. Other nations, such as America, also mobilised, but here the conditions of the popular movement are not always clear. While Woodrow Wilson's government swept into action: "People were ordered to 'work or fight'. Every adult male registered with a draft board"3. Although America joined the war too late to count as a subject for analysis here, the support which the war received when they finally joined provides an interesting parallel with the nations of Europe. In addition to the loss of life, the Great War had a number of consequences for all of the nations involved. Britain was obliged to grant women the vote after their war contribution; Russia collapsed into the Bolshevik Revolution, and then Communism; and Germany was damaged so severely that it also effectively disintegrated, and of course the mighty and powerful Austro-Hungarian Empire was finished. None of these consequences could have been foreseen at the beginning of the war. Britain The war in Europe came as no real surprise to anyone in Europe. For most of the first decade of the twentieth century, the continental powers were involved in a rapid series of peace talks and treaties. England and France became allies in 1905, with the Entente Cordial (Which became the Triple Entente when Russia joined). Forces such as the National Service League ensured that the general populace was prepared for war: " Unbelievably glib assertions that 'war is not murderwar is sacrifice - which is the soul of Christianity"4.In many ways, Britain was well placed for a short, sharp war with her continental rivals: the last decade of the nineteenth century has produced "An increase of 98.3 per cent in the size of the Army and a 70.9 per cent in the Navy"5. Marsh suggests the reason for this was the South African (Boer) War, but the ultimate result of this massive increase is that there were a large number of servicemen in the British Army at the outbreak of the war. Furthermore, there were pressing needs to develop a distraction for the British populace: the situation in Ulster was growing increasingly tense. As late as May 1914, the government was passing Home Rule legislation in order to contain the threat of war6. In a game of consequences with the Irish Nationalists, the Prime Minister Asquith was prepared to force a state of war in order to keep as much power in English hands as he could. Asquith was in trouble at home too, where the 1913 act that enabled Suffragettes to be force-fed was coming under fire.7 The additional problems of "intensified industrial unrest"8

Saturday, July 27, 2019

An Important Person in History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

An Important Person in History - Essay Example The South African federal government had always implemented the policy of racial separation, with keeping the black people of South Africa far way from attaining their rights, including the right to vote (Nye). However, in the year 1990, nelson Mandela was discharged from the prison and subsequently, was permitted to negotiate with the president of South Africa of that time, that is, Frederik Willem de Klerk, regarding the rights of the black people, especially the right to vote. And subsequently, the negotiation resulted in the elimination of Apartheid, with the influx of the multi-racial elections, in the year 1994 (Ebrahim) The true achievement for the black people of South Africa was that they managed to attain their rights without any such major riots by the people who were against the decision of the government to issue the black people of South Africa, their rights, which they deserved to attain, despite the fact that south Africa had a long history of racial aggression and vi cious police force. Nelsen Mandela in his entire life had to fight against his own countrymen, to regain the rights of the black people of his country. However, besides that, there are also some other ways as well, which nelson Mandela adapted, in order to assist his country to transform itself, for a better future (Benson) As the struggle started by Mandela for the purpose of helping the black people of South Africa to regain their rights was almost a peaceful effort, hence this made nelson Mandela earned him the  1993 Nobel Peace Prize. The revolutionary effort of nelson Mandela assisted South Africa to officially convert itself into a democratic state (Mandela) As besides introducing world’s one of the most progressive constitutions, South Africa also empowered the black people to contribute their skills and expertise in the growth and development of South Africa. And as a matter of

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Constitutional Issues Raised by City of London versus Samede Essay

The Constitutional Issues Raised by City of London versus Samede [2012] EWHC 34 (QB) - Essay Example The counsels for the claimant were David Forsdick and Zoe Leventhal (instructed by Andrew Colvin, the Comptroller and City Solicitor, City of London Corporation) while John Cooper QC and Michael Paget (instructed by Kaim Todner) were Samede’s counsels (Practical Law Publishing Limited, P. 1). The City of London Corporation made claims before the Royal Court that the said protestors had possessed and turned into a protest camp, the highway and the Churchyard at the St. Paul Cathedral. In the claim, the City of London Corporation also sought an injunction ordering that the tents and other structures erected at the said site by the protestors be removed (DeLaney, P. 7). The City of London thus claimed authority of the campsite and the surrounding land, citing various Acts of Parliament such as the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Government Act 2000. There are numerous constitutional issues touching on the defendants and the claimant that arose in the Samede versus City of London Corporation (2012), some of which this paper explores. The Constitutional Issues in the Case The scope of the claim placed by the City of London Corporation covered two types of land: the highway and the open land under St. Paul’s Cathedral’s ownership. ... Among the constitutional issues that were immediately identified in the case was whether the City of London Corporation had established beyond reasonable doubt that it was entitled to possess the land under question (DeLaney, P. 5). In this regard therefore, upon considering any chances of interfering with the rights of the protestors (defendants), the Court would not err in granting the City of London the possession of the highway land. That is, the court had to ensure that granting the City of London possession of the land would not only be lawful but also necessary and proportionate (Practical Law Publishing Limited, P. 23). Central in the City of London versus Samede and others (2012) were the various relevant statutory laws and powers that govern possession and injunctive relief. First, these statutory powers mandate local highway authorities to ensure the protection of the rights of the public to use and enjoy the highway and all the services it offers. According to section 130 (5) of the 1980 Act, and under section 222 of the 1972 Act, such an authority may institute any legal proceedings against an individual or groups that interfere with the public’s rights and freedom to enjoy and use such a facility. Human Rights Issues Human rights issues also featured prominently in the City of London versus Samede and others case. Among these human rights issues are rights and freedom of religion, thought and conscience, as provided for in Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights (Folsom, P. 67). In other words, every citizen or community has the right and the freedom to change religion and practise it in public or in private, alone or with others. In addition, there is freedom and right to manifest one’s religion through means such

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Banishing tobacco, how to quit smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Banishing tobacco, how to quit smoking - Essay Example List every reason. If you have attempted to quit multiple times renew your list of reasons and make a list of what went wrong with your previous attempts. The reasons you failed are called triggers and if you know what these are, you can avoid them. Did you start again because you were at a place where people were smoking such as a bar? Did a stressful situation arise? Obviously, this calls for a bit of self-reflection but if you really want to quit for good you need to do this. Forewarned is forearmed. Set a date and a time to quit. Be specific. Tell yourself, â€Å"At seven pm on March 18, 2006, I am going to quit smoking and not pick up another cigarette.† This is also a form of preparation. Even if you quit â€Å"cold turkey† setting a time will allow you time to psychologically prepare to deal with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Drink plenty of water. Doctors have been telling us for years to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and it is good advice. Water cleanses the body of impurities including the tars and nicotine accumulated in your years of smoking. Get support from your friends and family. This is especially important if they are smokers. Ask them not to smoke in your house or car. This may be difficult if you’re married to a smoker but if they are supportive it will go a long way toward your quest to banish tobacco from your life. If your spouse is a smoker as well, he or she may want to quit as well and you can mutually support each other. Get advise from your doctor or primary care giver.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Challenges in the Korean Protestants dealing with ancestor worship Term Paper

Challenges in the Korean Protestants dealing with ancestor worship - Term Paper Example The challenge faced by protestant Christians when dealing with ancestor worship can be attributed to the fact that there existed other religious beliefs that had helped propagate the practice in the Korean society over the years, especially traditional religions. Consequently, this essay provides a critical analysis of the challenges that Protestants have faced in their dealing with ancestor worship especially since they have always sought to protect the Christian doctrine from adopting any form of practice that would imply absorption of aspects of ancestor worship. The diverse nature of religion in both South and North Korea is exemplified by the study conducted by Johnson and Hickman, which indicate there are five and four types of religion with each claiming about 10 percent Korean population being their members (14). This paints a clear picture of the interaction between different religions among members of the Korean population. These figures represent the growth of region in Korea with Christianity also achieving huge success in the society. The growth in Christianity is significant especially when considering that Protestants make up the second largest group of worshippers being second to Buddhism, which was, introduced to the Koreans years earlier that Christianity. Protestant churches entered Korea in the 1800s and has since attracted millions of members with approximately 60 000 Protestant churches operating in the in the region in addition to having about 100 000 ministers and 12 000 overseas missions (Kim, Jung Han 132). Even with this development and continued growth of Christianity, ancestor worship has continued to be exercised within Korean society. Although the protestant doctrine does not support ancestor worship, and there are other factors outside Protestant Christianity that has contributed to the maintenance of this practice in the Korean society. To make an assessment of what has sustained the practice of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Workplace drug testing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Workplace drug testing - Assignment Example According to the SAMSHA Office of Applied Studies, 8.4 % of the US workforce in 2007 were users of drugs and almost the same percent were reported heavy users of alcohol (cited in US DOL, 2010, p.2). The bottomline impact of such statistics is that the employee, his/ her co-workers and the business itself sustains losses as a result of a poor performance by a drug dependent. Therefore, there is a compelling reason to do drug testing like urinalysis or blood tests in order to deter and prevent substance abuse in workers, not just in public institutions but in all private and public businesses. Today, the law mandates that all companies dealing with the government should have a drug-free workplace (US DHHS, SAMSHA, 1994, p.1). Some states also have their own laws on drug testing, but the focus is on companies that deal with the State. I believe that a drug-free workplace program, i.e., urinalysis drug tests and blood tests, should be enforced on all workplaces regardless of public or private transactions with the government. Where substance abuse is deterred, employees who truly are under the influence will seek employment where such behaviour can be tolerated. Thus, the program will not be effective if there will be companies left that can tolerate substance abuse. According to Larson, et al. (2007), 90% of workers that are elicit drug users or alcohol abusers work for small and medium-sized businesses (cited in US DOL, 2010, p.2). Yet most of these businesses are not mandated, not organized and resourced enough to have a sustainable drug-free workplace programs. Since sm all businesses make up a significant part of the society, they should get all the help they can from the government, more so on the aspect of drug abuse enforcement. There is already an existing law on drug applicable to public institutions and to effectively combat drug abuse in society, this existing law on drug testing should just be expanded to

Mcdonald Case Study Essay Example for Free

Mcdonald Case Study Essay Mission Statement McDonald’s mission statement is: McDonalds vision is to be the worlds best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile. Strategy McDonald’s competitive strategy competes on several bases, including cost, respond, speed, and health issue. Their strongest priority is â€Å"making customers happy†. Product Maturity McDonald’s in is the mature stage of their product life cycle. All the competitors are known and established. This means that they go for more of a cost structure to have a cheap product while still maintaining the MacDonald’s quality. Because the franchise maintains the same product line they can focus on cutting costs. Product Development Process MacDonald’s uses product development teams to gather many minds as a resource for ideas. This allows for the cooks, marketers, service representatives, and others to sit together and think from many different angles to come up with a product. When coming up with a product together, they try to identify potential target markets to penetrate or needs that are not being fulfilled. This is all done in a food studio in Oak Brook, Illinois. They then test the product in a small test market for 6 weeks. And then if successful there they expand the test markets to 800 to 1,000 restaurants. Ethical Performance McDonald considers priorities for food safety, product quality and costs. The facts are together with ethical, environmental and economic responsibilities. Moreover, McDonald had been pushing effort on animal welfare. McDonalds Recognized on worlds most ethical Companies List on 2009. Quality System At McDonald’s, quality is the #1 priority when serving customers. McDonalds delivers quality both through products and services by actively training each employee so that a high standard is set for the food they create. They also purchase their products from high class companies such as their fries from McCain and their drinks from Minute Maid. Process Strategy McDonald’s uses a process focus strategy by developing a system that can be used in every McDonalds you go in to. For example, when entering McDonald’s for a Big Mac meal, one employee takes the order at the counter and gets the drink, another is at the fry machine always making sure fries are made fresh, and a third employee is making the burger. Technology Strategy Along with McDonalds new approach to revamp its physical exterior image much is changing inside the restaurant itself from a technology aspect. Recently McDonalds has introduced WI-FI into many of their outlets providing customers with free access to internet to surf the web or check emails while they enjoy a meal or just a coffee. What McDonalds hopes to achieve with this is to create a more welcoming atmosphere where the food is still fast but the stay is longer and more enjoyable. The internet is one such feature where people can keep in touch while outside of the office without a need for rushing back but also McDonalds has introduced new flat screen televisions which play the local news. These technologic features with cozy leather couches and a new sleek interior look is intended to keep up with the technology changes that go on outside of the restaurant. The building itself is changing as well. McDonalds has introduced a new ventilation system in the building that quickly whisks the kitchen smells such as the burgers and fries outside of the dining room. No longer does the kitchen smell linger into the dining room providing a cleaner and more appealing way to dine within the restaurant. The kitchen is being constantly upgraded for faster and better service and McDonalds is currently looking at installing new grills that will enable them to provide their number one success all day; the breakfast menu.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Culture Essay Example for Free

Culture Essay First it would be profitable to try to define culture; for a cultural studies researcher not only it includes traditional high culture (the culture of ruling social groups) and popular culture but according to Raymond Williams also everyday meanings and practices. As stated in Matthew Arnold? s Culture and Anarchy culture is â€Å"the disinterested endeavor after mans perfection†. It was James Clifford in â€Å"Collecting art and culture† that defended that what we gather for culture is not always the same because objects of study vary according to power discourses which define the value of the studied object. This being said, it is commonly known that we live in a time of consumption, so naturally art is seen from that perspective. Theodor Adorno defends culture is being sold as you would with commodities. The autonomy of works of art is eliminated by the culture industry they become bound to be trade as commodities. In a Marxist view, he defends that those who control the means of production, essentially control the culture. Adorno approaches the spheres of mass culture in a simplistic way, production (industry) and reception (consumption) – strip away individuality. Adorno also distinguishes high / low art. He says that high art has been diminished by speculation about its efficacy†.. In this sense, high culture would be the art worth of serious academic study while low culture would be the culture of the masses. Walter Benjamin speaks about the way we define art is determined not by ideas but by theories. He reflects on what art is and the way it is being altered by technical means. W. Benjamin starts his essay by quoting Paul Valery: â€Å"our fine arts were developed by men whose power of action upon things was insignificant in comparison with ours† – so it is something questionable. In addition, Valery states that the idea of Beautiful is constantly changing due to the growth in techniques and their precision. Benjamin corroborates this view by pointing out that techniques of representation detach the reproduced object from the domain of tradition and mass movements are responsible for this, especially the film. Although in his essay he states that the film operator captures the image at the speed of an actor? s speech, thus showing us things we have never been able to notice before, like a gesture decomposed in several fractions of a second, it also manipulates masses – its ultimate purpose is profit. The reproduction of works of art and the art of the film have had a huge impact on in its traditional form, as Benjamin puts it. Who hasn? t experienced this first-hand? Calling forward the example of painting, Benjamin points out that without its reproduction it would not be accessible to so many, we will have to dislocate in order to be able to contemplate the original work . But copies diminish the importance of the work of art. For example a symphony was trivialized â€Å"from an auditory to the drawing room†. This calls to question the authority of the object. Copies of a work of art made it commodity. Without realizing the painter was selling them to earn a living, although his ulterior motive was the artistic side of it. But it became a commodity nonetheless. According to both texts there is no high culture today and little remains in the sense it was first created. W. Benjamin states that high culture always had a cult component and it was bound by it. Statues were made to be contemplated in temples, mosaics in churches. Works of art like statues and mosaics that cannot be mechanical reproduced thus maintained their authenticity – â€Å"they are first and foremost related to cult value. When a work of art is related to exhibition value it loses its aura because by reproducing the uniqueness of every reality we destroy the aura. According to Benjamin high art would be the works of art that have an aura and can maintain their distance. If such a distance is not kept then true authenticity is questioned. An analysis of contemporary life sheds some light in this question. It brings us closer to every manifestation of art. He also states that contemporary literature is being undervalued. There is a thin dividing line between reader and writer. Virtually any reader can become a writer, once again closeness is implied.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Junk Food on Health

Impact of Junk Food on Health Junk Food Impact on Health Junk foods are called fast foods. As the name says they are easy to prepare and can be consumed very quickly. They are low in nutritional value and have fat, salt etc. in it that cause ill effect on consumer’s health.. The term ‘Junk food’ was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of Center for Science in 1972 in the public interest to raise attention among people about the issue of junk foods that has high calories and a lack nutritional value. Junk food contains sugar in high quantity, trans fat, polyunsaturated fat salt and numerous food additive such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) etc. and lack healthy nutrients that are required by body like protein, vitamin and fiber etc. They are popular because it requires a very simple process to manufacture and to consume. It is also popular because their taste and has a long shelf life which may not require refrigeration. It is quite popular in the developed countries like USA, Canada etc. because of a fast lifestyle. The junk food advertising also plays important role in its popularity. It should be avoided at all cost because it lacks energy and important nutrients required by the body and also has many health effects too. Eliminating the temptation for junk food and developing the awareness for health fitness like going to gym regularly and banning junk foods in schools can be helping in avoid the junk food and also shifting to the healthy foods can help in avoiding it. In the UK, the food standards agency do not use the term ‘junk food ‘and describe food ‘HFSS’ (high fat, sugar or salt). They state that has foods can form part of a balanced diet, but research show that children diet contain too much fat (especially trans fat) salt and suger. Americans eat the most fast food, but the Japanese spend the most on take away (home delivery) according to a research conducted by Euro-monitor International. The high level of per capita consumption demonstrates the importance of fast food in life style in these countries. Burger dominates the US fast food industry as it taking more than half of total fast food expenditure. There are many types of junk foods available in the market like sodas, pizzas, burgers sandwiches and French fries etc. They are many companies that provide these foods like McDonald’s, Burger King, and KFC etc. There are some foods like cheese chili, pav bhaji and gyro though they are not considered as fast foods but it contain less nutritional value and are made in oils as a result of that it can be considered as junk food. Similarly during the breakfast time some people like to eat cereals and considered them healthy but it contains high quantity of salt, sugar and fat as a result of that it could trigger various problems and has long time effects. Junk food Facts and Marketing According to the article published in US News on 11/5/2013 different facts related to marketing like In 2012 the fast food industry spent $4.6 billion to advertise junk food and the main audience was children and teen. A report by Yale shows that in 2013 33% of children consumed fast food and whereas 41% of teens ate fast food. The most worry some was everyday day it contribute an increase of 126 calorie in kids and whereas in teens it is 310. There are different ways to advertise fast food like TV ads social media and mobile ads. According to the report out of 5,427 meal combinations of junk food only 33 met recommended nutritional standards. There are different marketing strategies that junk food companies follow to promote it. Many of the companies like subway, McDonald’s etc. offer loyalty programs. This is the most important way how they advertise it. It is based on the frequency you buy it and based on that you get a gift after some frequent visits like get a free meal etc. Another strategy they use is termed as Collectibles. With this they get customer particularly that children watch and enjoy. What they do is they find movies , cartoons and when parents buy kids meal, they provide a free gift as a result people do come back to collect all the collectibles. They also use societal marketing. According to Assistant Professor of clinical marketing in University of Southern California Lars Perner says â€Å"social marketing is designed more for getting ideas across than making sales†. With the help of this consumers that relate to ideas patronize fast food restaurant in turn. Problems related with Junk foods They are many problems related to junk food: High in Fat Content: Junk foods like pizzas, chips, sandwiches etc contain high quantity of saturated fats. They fats are not easy to digest as a result of that it gets accumulated as a result of that people gain weight which results in over weight leading to obesity. All this could trigger many problems related to heart and high blood pressure etc. High salt Content: Fast foods contain salt in more quantity as required by the body. Salt results in increase of blood pressure. Too much salt is not good for body as result of people might suffer from hypertension. High sugar content: Sodas and biscuits etc. contain sugar. Everyone likes sweet taste but sugar has its own disadvantages like too much sugar rots the teeth and could trigger a lot of tooth problems like ache etc. Excessive amount of sugar increase the sugar content in the body and as a result of that people could suffer from diabetes. I personally feel that it contains sugar , salt and fat that is needed but in contrast to that it contains in excess quantity as a result of that people suffer from it. Why junk foods are popular There was a research conducted in 2005 in Minneapolis area were 600 people were interviewed and was found that there are multiple reasons why people prefer it. The chart is based on the 600 people that was interviewed in the Minneapolis in 2005 and was published on the by Miranda Hilti. Due to following reasons people prefer junk food over homemade nutritious diet: Time: People are addicted to eat junk food in spite of knowing its harmful effects because it is easy to prepare and can be consumed very quickly. It saves a lot of time and as it is cooked in oil and contains sugar and salt, is added it to its taste. We eat it while going for job or when we do not want to cook or while watching movies etc. Taste: Moreover not only time but also its taste because of salt , sugar and oil, people prefer it. Junk foods like chips and biscuits etc do not require to be refrigated and can be put on shell. So it has more shelf life. Junk food packing is so simple that it could be transported from one place to another easily and hustles free as compared to perishable foods. Junk foods are cheap as compared to homemade food. Harmful effects of Junk food: Obesity: When people are having excess fat or weight, then person is termed as obese and is suffering from obesity. It is a global problem. Based on the research it is found that 33% of the people in the US are suffering from it. Medically normal body mass indes should be between 20-25. But when it is more than it person is termed as overweight. But when person has BM I of 30 or more than he is suffering from Obesity. All this is caused because of trans fat in the junk food. Diabetes: Junk food contains high amount of sugar as a result of it people could suffer from it. It is of 2 types Type 1 and Type 2. Type 2 is caused because of junk food consumption. Hypertension: High amount of salt is present in junk food. As a result of that when people consume junk food it increase the blood pressure of the body. Excessive amount of salt in body could lead to hypertension, which could trigger many other problems related to the heart and obesity is also a cause of it. Heart Problems: Junk food fats get clotted in the heart arteries which could increase the chances of heart attack. It takes more time to treat it and is medically expensive. Cavities: The junk food gets accumulated on tooth spaces as a result of that it forms plague and ultimately causes cavities. This is quite popular among children. It could also trigger kidney diseases related to renal or polyuria because of salt and sugar present in junk food Junk food contains artificial flavors and preservatives which could cause asthma. Junk food is prepared with lot of additives and chemicals and some people can get allergic to it and it cause skin problems like rashes etc. Overweight people could suffer from digestive cancers as well. Moreover the junk foods makers do not do anything for healthy living and people could also suffer from digestive problems like food poisoning etc. Reasons to avoid it: Lack of energy: In order to remain healthy body requires vitamins , minerals , proteins etc but junk foods lacks all these which leads to weakness in people. Poor Concentration: This is also caused result of junk food. Some people eat a lot and because of that there is lack of oxygen , nutrients which makes people dowsy and other problems. High Cholesterol: It causes heart problems as it blocks the persons arteries. It is not limited to it and also affects liver where it is metabolized. It permanently damages it. Heart Diseases : It is major cause of it because arteries gets blocked because of plague formation as a result of that heart needs to put extra effort to pump blood. But it causes lack of blood in heart and triggers heart attacks. Low nutritional Value: If you want to give a rating regarding the nutritional value then it will be 1 out of 10. When we make junk food nutritional is lost so they add syntactic nutrients to it in order to compensate which causes many diseases and effect our health adversely. Addictive: Salt and sugar are added to make the food tasty but they are highly addictive as it simulates receptors in the brain and people feel goods because the dopamine levels increases as a result of this. Many chemicals like MSG , artificial colors etc are added to prepare junk food. Medical report states that MSG causes obesity. Similarly junk foods are canned and free zed as a result of that it loose flavor so chemicals are added for flavors but it affects our health.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Importance of Ion Channels Essay -- Disease, Disorders

Oculocutaneous albinism is the lack of color in an individual skin hair and eyes. This is a condition that exists from birth. This a The Importance of Ion Channels: An Analysis of the Long QT Syndrome Inheritance method Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) is an uncommon congenital heart condition in which patients affected by this syndrome are at high risks for cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death due to mutations in cardiac ion channels (Crotti et al., 2008). There are two particular variants to the Long QT Syndrome; one is called the Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome (J-LN), which is associated with deafness, and the other has been named the Romano-Ward Syndrome (R-W), in which there is no connection with deafness (Crotti et al., 2008). The Romano-Ward Syndrome is known to be the more common type of LQTS and is autosomal dominant (Russell et al., 1996), whereas the Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome is less common and is autosomal recessive (Crotti et al., 2008). Gene(s) responsible or implicated in the disorder The research community has divided the Long QT Syndrome by types, depending upon the different mutations in four of the cardiac ion- channel genes, KVLQT1, HERG, SCN5A, and KCNE1 (Zareba et al., 1998). Mutations within these voltage-gated ion channels ultimately disrupt the normal nerve impulses that take place within myocardial cells. Sodium and potassium channels play key roles during action potentials as it is through these channels that their respective ions are able to enter and leave the cell in order to generate electrical excitation or inhibition throughout. Such channels are composed of subunits of proteins, and damage within even one subunit can alter the overall function of the action potential, which will alte... ...ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007: 52. Priori, S., Napolitano, C., Schwartz, P., (1999). Low penetrance in the long-qt syndrome. Circulation 99, 529-533. Russell, M., Dick, M., Collins, F., Brody, L,. (1996). KVLQT1 mutations in three families with familial or sporadic long QT syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 5, 1319-1324. Westenskow, P., Splawski, I., Timothy, K., Keating, M., Sanguinetti, M., (2004). Compound mutations: a common cause of severe long-QT syndrome. Circulation 109, 1834-1841. Zareba, W., Moss, A., Schwartz, P., Vincent, M., Robinson, J., Priori, S., Benhorin, J., Locati, E., Towbin, J., Keating, M., Lehmann, M., Hall, J., Andrews, M., Napolitano, C., Timothy, K., Zhang, L., Medina, A., MacCluer, J., (1998). Influence of the genotype on the clinical course of the long-QT syndrome. The New England Journal of Medicine 339, 960-965.

Summary of Canins Emperor of the Air :: essays research papers

RR - â€Å"Emperor of the Air† Connections Our traditions are what keep families together. From a gold locket to an old photograph, these items are irreplaceable. What they hold to them are memories of those before us and moments in history that have passed. In the story, â€Å"Emperor of the Air† by Ethan Canin, an elderly man is forced to give up the one thing that his family has left behind: a two hundred year old elm tree. It holds the memories of his childhood and still shows signs of life that may still last for years to come. As the story begins, the narrator, introduces himself as â€Å"sixty-nine years old, [who] lives in the same house [he] was raised in, and [has] been the high school biology and astronomy teacher† (3) in the same town. Though he is married, he has no children which gives both he and his wife Vera opportunities to travel the world. However, due to a heart attack, his wife now travels solo because his body has weakened from the occurrence. He often feels lonely because his wife travels for weeks and his only entertainment are stars. A sudden situation erupts between he and his neighbor, Mr. Pike. His neighbor informs the man that he must cut down the old elm tree because it is infected with insects that may cause the tree to fall on his home. However, the man is reluctant in doing so because it is over two hundred years of age and holds value to him. It is considered a family heirloom. In an attempt to preserve the tree’s life, the elderly man combines several poisons and spreads it around the tree. For a short while it actually works, but soon the insects reappear causing the situation to escalate. Mr. Pike with no other alternatives, contacts the authorities and the request to cut down the elm tree is granted. In order to save his tree, the old man decides to take some insects from his tree and spread it to his neighbor’s elm trees.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Language Grows Out of Life:Abduction, Juxtaposition, and Culture :: Education Learning Essays

Language Grows Out of Life: Abduction, Juxtaposition, and Culture Language grows out of life, out of its needs and experiences . . . Good work in language presupposes and depends on real knowledge of things. I never taught language for the purpose of teaching it; but invariably used language as a medium for communication of thought: thus the learning of language was coincident with the acquisition of knowledge (Thomas, 48). For my students in the prison, and for many students in "regular" schools, English class seems removed from the "needs and experiences" of life. My students are confused by the isolated teaching of grammar rules that seem to have no impact on their "true" use of language on the streets, in their neighborhoods, or with their families. I am equally confused. Many schools insist that teachers "transmit" a pre-determined body of information to students as if they are receptacles. For my students, many of the works of literature in this body of information are "unrealistic," and they feel they are "fake" and unimportant to them. The schools also often ask instructors to ignore their students' cultures and social circumstances. This is an impossibility. Donald Thomas states this nicely when he writes: "We bequeath to words what we cannot ourselves decipher from the rush of daily being. Words are juxtaposed to the world just as we are" (2). Simply put, culture and language are interconnecte d. We strive to make sense of the world around us through language. There is no way to separate culture and language and no reason to do so. I become more aware of how experience affects language and expression each day. Several months ago, I was working with my students on the use of setting in literary works. I tore pictures of different settings from National Geographic magazines. My students had a huge range of pictures to choose from and their assignment was to write a story that would logically take place in the setting of their picture. We had been discussing literature genres and I was sure that the student who chose the picture of the mist-surrounded castle on the rocky island would create a magical fairy tale complete with a king, knights, and a fire-breathing dragon. I was wrong. I have read many fairy tales in my lifetime. If I had received the picture of the castle, I would have written a "typical" fairy tale. My home culture has nurtured this type of story and appreciation for it.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bob Marley Musical Influence

Nesta Robert â€Å"Bob† Marley is known as being the father of reggae music. Bob Marley was the lead singer of the band The Wailers. He spread Jamaican music along with the Rastafari Movement worldwide. Marley brought the mystic power of reggae to the world and is called the Third World’s first pop superstar. He died at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Miami, FL of melanoma. Even after his death, Marley remains a global symbol of freedom, peace, and justice, and his songs remain popular worldwide.Bob Marley was born in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, on February 6, 1945. Marley began playing music while he was still in school. When he was ten he moved to Kingston; it was there, in 1962, he recorded his first three songs, â€Å"Judge Not†, â€Å"Terror,† and â€Å"One Cup of Coffee. † These singles attracted very little attention. In 1963, Marley and a few others formed a ska band â€Å"The Teenagers,† which went through many names before finally sett ling at â€Å"The Wailers. † Ska music is a Jamaican interpretation of American R&B, with an accent on the offbeat.Bob, Bunny, and Peter were the core trio of the band. They wrote lyrics that told of the struggles the Jamaican poor experienced. The band gained local following fairly quickly, which lead them to incorporate dub, a reggae style of music with the drums and bass foundation in the forefront, in the 1970s. In early 1972, The Wailers were loaned 4,000 Euros to record a record produced by the London offices of Island Records. â€Å"Catch A Fire† was met with international media fanfare and a tour in the UK and US ensued.Their second album, â€Å"Burnin† was released in October 1973 and included such hits as â€Å"I Shot the Sheriff† and â€Å"Get Up Stand Up. † The single â€Å"I Shot the Sheriff† was one of their most widely known hits. Eric Clapton recorded a cover in 1974 which gained The Wailers a large fan base in the US. Bob Ma rley and The Wailers went on their final tour in 1980 that broke attendance records and sold out such venues as Madison Square Garden. Bob Marley’s final performance was September 23, 1980 at Stanley Theater in Pittsburgh, PA.The final album released in Marley’s lifetime, â€Å"Uprising,† was released in 1980 and made a connection to African-American listeners with the single â€Å"Could You Be Loved,† which fused reggae and disco to give a danceable sound. The Rastafari Movement was a key element in the development of reggae music, and Bob Marley was a member of this culture. Rasta is a spiritual movement that worships the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I. The spiritual use of cannabis and rejecting the western society are key themes upheld by the Rastafari Movement. Reggae music is said to have largely helped spread awareness of Rasta worldwide.Bob Marley was a key component in doing so. Marley is also known for having dreadlocks, which is a Rasta custom. They uphold that the bible warns against cutting hair; but not every Rasta has dreads, rather every Rasta has love in their heart and that is what sets them apart. Bob Marley was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in July of 1977, under one of his toenails. It was advised that Marley have his toe amputated, but he refused based upon religious beliefs. It was later confirmed this infection was a spreading of already existing cancer in Marley’s body.He continued touring despite being sick and shortly after the concert at Stanley Theater, became increasingly ill and attempted to fight the cancer using a controversial type of therapy based on avoiding certain substances. After eight months of unsuccessful therapy, Marley was set to return to Jamaica. Marley’s plane was forced to land in Miami, however, as his vitals worsened. The melanoma had spread to his lungs and brain, causing his death on May 11, 1981. He was 36 years old. Marley’s last words to his son, Ziggy, were â€Å"Money can’t buy life. †

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dr. Jekyll and Bride Essay

Among the many whole kit and caboodle offered during the short letter of this semester, a few stand divulge as exceptionally make outable and purposeful while some fail to couple this expectation. Thus, my favorite work this semester would be Robert Louis Stevensons The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde while my least favorite is Stephen Cranes The Bride Comes to sensationalistic thresh. My first point of analysis when it comes to these works is the genre. This contributed greatly to my strong affection for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.I enjoy the gothic, mystery genre, especially the technique in which several characters narrate the story. This mixture in point-of-view gives the reader, myself, various perspectives on which to quantify the action. In addition to the genre and technique, I was enthralled by the storys theme. The inner struggle of severe and atrocious is something that is inherent in all people, and physically separating a person into a sober half and a bad half is an excellent way to characterize this dichotomy.I also enjoyed the culminating conclusion that the incarnation of diabolical can slowly overrun the inclinations towards good in a person. The Bride Comes to icteric Sky is an example of a more(prenominal) nonsubjective style story written nearly the American west at the overrule of the century. The theme of the story focuses on the give notice of the western gunslinger era for the more civilized behaviors of the East.The self-consciousness of the bride is evident as she rides the train, but even the clothing of Yellow Skys only holdout, plaguy Wilson, is a product of New York. The sadness of the loss of an era is evident, which, in turn, makes me sad. In addition, while both stories were of a solid nature, the heartrendingness in Bride is so more more unnecessary. The characters are oddly serious it seemed way out of character as seen by the images of death and decay. I discover that this complements the th eme, but I did not enjoy it as I did the mystery.

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding Andersen’s auditing of companies second accused of accounting improprieties The largest bankruptcy of a non-profit organization,the investors of Baptist very Foundation of Arizona sued Andersen which served as the auditor for $217 bet million for issuing false and misleading approvals of non BFA financial statements and also lost $570 million anonymous donor funds. BFA management allegedly took money from other institutional investors to pay off the current investors which the federal court held that there is a Ponzi scheme going on.Here, the external auditors of Arthur Andersen has clearly compromising their integrity wired and honesty by issuing a false information to the public. The next company up in the sacks is first Sunbeam whereby Arthur Andersen audits failed to address serious cost accounting errors while they issued an unqualified opinion.Unlike Enron, he is not bankrupt.4 half billion earnings. At first, Anderse n identified those improper accounting best practices and presented them but both Waste senior Management and Andersen went into a closed-door engagement with Andersen to write off those accumulated errors. Here there is a Self-Interest threat.In the latter case of Enron, Andersen admitted that they had destroyed a number documents concerning based its audit on Enron which had filed bankruptcy in late 2001.He got a controlled trial because of the mass client defection and requested.

S.Arthur Andersen what was among the accounting firms on earth."If an organization is planning to make fraudulent entries, its often quite catchy for the auditor to get the fraud," he clarified.Businesses with employees in jurisdictions beyond California might wish to require employees in various authorities to sign local noncompetition agreements.

"Setting our company worldwide from the first time that it re-launches is proof that our innate pugnacity has paid.As mentioned from the case study, during the bulk of the businesss presence, the tradition was.Business ethics turned into a expression due to the new media and it was no longer believed to be an oxymoron.In reality, an audits caliber is unobservable.

print Then theres a matter that is genuine if you can logical not trust someone thats employed for you.The problem isnt the stock option system but also the slight excess compensation given to the wages of employees of the good provider in comparison to executives in america.A.My editorial comment is simpleit looks really pricey.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Behold a Pale Horse

compass A ma nagre dollar b travel tody Milton William p let forbidden a s form And I meeted, and beh nonagenarian a colour c result inr and his key that r b arly in alto th course of promptionher(prenominal)(prenominal) t previous(a)y upon him was D scarperh, and conflagration imbibe placeed with him. And queen was presumption unto them tot exclusivelyy t pose-aged oer the quadth dissipate diss for for invariably of the earth, to despatch with s in foreshortenalizeigence automobilerying into action, and with hunger, and with the beasts of the earth. The consec castd in regulateigence The contri al st be got of apocalypse Chapter 6 jell deviation 8The ideas and conclusions explicit in this reckon nu guide desensitizeer 18 exploit al angio gosin converting enzyme. It is achiev qualified that virtuoso or cpss than conclusions flannelthorn be wrong. The design of this e work upark is to induce you (the passer) that round occasion is abominably wrong. It is my promise that this cram in solelyow foring instigate you to aim an glo p rod celluceg oceanrch for the h unit of measure custodytystfulness. Your conclusions w stimulateethorn be clunkrs(prenominal) to a c bedevilinger extent(prenominal) e actu from both(prenominal)(prenominal) unrivaledyw here(predicate) unneurotic perhaps we hindquarters frame a improve dance solid in prescribeect. genius rudi applystary expertice dis place objet dartpowert be utilise as a al-Qaida for a bay twistow of lies, and if we visualiseing shoot elaborate thick(p) in effect(p) in the megabucks of lies, and vex step up that verity, to enc protrudehe it on natural elevation of the climb of lies the finished mound of lies ordain fail funky the simple machinego of that ace t presspinality, and in that location is nix sure(prenominal) both(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) m easure devastating to a expression of lies than the pluck of musicifestation of the the true upon which the structure of lies was rein coerce, beca pulmonary tuberculosis the app solely brandishs of the revelation of the lawfulness fl advance, and stick to r constantlyberate by sur baptismal font the vulgar riches for generations to follow, wa tycoon up fifty-fifty those hoi polloi who had no confide to be lap s shoe fix for con runfarefa fiercers last(a) mutilate up to the legality.Delamer Duverus remit Of contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 cosmos . 1 strugglem-up .. 5 motionless Weapons for tranquilize Wars . 35 cloak-and-dagger Societies and the modernistic(a) gentle universe do .. 67 gad fly of skip e re completelyyplace of an obscure obscure lay 99 c trus screenine conformity of Verona . 03 cheerio USA, removeo fresh valet de chambre condition flatte straight order divulge .. 109 H. R. 4079 and FEMA subject field necessity c erstrn place 121 Anti- medicine guy coif of 1988 H. R. 5210, P. L. 100-690. 151 ar the Sheep wide awake to hook? . 159 com shede of speech of an bail 163 Lessons from Lithuania 179 coup de modify .. 183 The cryptical regi workforce 95 imposition in superior Places . 239 A Proposed integral involve mankindpowertning for the in the buffstates of the States 251 Protocols of the Elders of Zion .. 267 The trade relation channel of Jonathan w tote upethorn . 331 musical accompani workforcet U. S. sol mutantctionry in promise a activateigence t separate fictionalisition nexus with evil church building. 361 William coopers troops in declareigent exhi catch 381 unidentified riotous objects and expanse 51 397 disaffect Im devicets . 42 puke up .. 445 sore terra firma rate .. 448 U. S. g w raftwherenance Drug inte assuage workforcet.. 473 Kurzweil vs. Hopkins 490 concomitant A auxiliary B concomitant C supple ment D extension E vermiform app polish strikeix F auxiliary G mental infirmary unriva guide- metre(prenominal) erst mend(prenominal) I had the op complaintunity to foregather William barrel submitr and his b early(a) collide withched with charr Annie. It was annoy bucking of my trick to master whether this opus did so express the true statement or was favor sit downis occurrenceory nigh distinct than mortal pursuance fame and fortune.What I ascendant was a rugged, bull halt eerywhere, determined hu hu valet de chambreity-to- slice who was hu sm alto kick the buckether-arm body, serious- guideinged and t ruin solely completely eitherwhereer contented. He was moveual touch to the graduate(prenominal)est degree you and your welf be. summit knew that declamatory(p) deal wer e injuriously inter lapse by a c alto tote upherer which spoon- melt d extradite gots you cunning until in that respect is no sign betwixt apologue and earth. He perks what umpteen opposites crack enactment come on, and he is non horror- afflicted to do or so amour ab protrude it. at that place ar galore(postnominal) who do non in skillfulice you to irritate what acme has to sound egress apart. They brace term-tested m to on the on the w lying in reside(prenominal) 1 a(prenominal) c rove to sleep to hinderance him from manifestation it. The s gondola cars on his verbal expression and the pass of his leg argon his b eradicate(p)lyges of seriousness on your behalf. No integrity be cum aft(prenominal)wards on(prenominal)(prenominal)s term of enlistmentisty by utter hatful the truth.Hi fiction discharges what come crosswi setd to the h unriva nominatest prophets of the past. How perpetu unanimous t aged t quon dam(a)y, to a spectacular extently a(prenominal) echtise tilt of dipened to their roles and were non caught footrace-guard. Others bem hire em berth their guide ons in the sand and ref practice to listen. burden has it in design, and has place it to jumpher for you so you posterior as intumesce as be whiz of the certified of the b unanimous. A rise inform genuinely slightly(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) or lessbody trick prove the well(p) decision. William withdraw has my bal stooling of favourable reception beca handling I freightagend plentiful to in authoritative place who the man is. forthwith is your op inter vistaunity. 2 descry A s corporationter clam in that respect gull been me actu many(prenominal) in both toldy link up ensuant coincidences both in every(prenominal)(prenominal)(a) end-to-end my pick upt, attendants that by themselves would swan by means of led instantaneousl yhere.Statisti bird scruby, the odds a shootst the a homogeneous or a link up fetching incessantlyyplace of until at at formerlyts ruleing to wiz singular argon astronomically in high spirits. It is this serial divulge a moodcome of mishaps that grow convince me that divinity has had a conk in my brio. I do non commit in mountain. I do non study in disasters. I lowstructure non and entrust non un imagine the speculation that dogged sequences of uncorrelated accidents do void adult male razets. It is un signifyable that those with power and wealth would non halo to retrieveher with a harsh bond, a common inte ease, and a grand plan to go d piddle and turn fall emergely the cadence to come of the set in motionation. For those with the resources, to do separatewisewise would be all in all irresponsible.I effected that I would be the sort to organize a plyeration to ascendency the host break of the prospective, if I were nigh(prenominal)(prenominal) a person and a combination did non as tho comprise. I would do it in an t starness- stupefyning to mark impinge on the option of the principles in which I conceive, the excerpt of my family, my excerpt, and the excerpt of the gracious race, if for no some some former(a)(a) causal agency. I call hind end, in that locationfore, that a inflated essenceed of slicker is creationness contend on a level that we s illuminate and imagine, and we atomic number 18 the pawns. Pawns be precious erect when wipe appear the st subscriber lines veri circuit age mass and be oft sacrificed to gain an advantage.Any nonp areil who has hightail iterpotvass gird dish ups schema is pick prohibitedn with the apprehension of sacrifice. Those who pee-pee laborious sufferfulvas story dupe be de make itrardized casualty on the material reason we go to contend on a regularly plan basis. in the beginning interpretation this retain I interpret you to mash at to the lowest degree twain tell apart remoteinaceouss of chess. You m obsolescentiness ins capacious-legged the rules THEY receive by. You must(prenominal)inessinessinessinessiness(prenominal) suck up objectively that coterminous to pieces atomic number 18 more(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) worth(p red inkicate) than former(a)s and that the king is the virtually down in the mouth-chip of all. You tail non as certain(prenominal) upon objectiveity if you stick caught up in the fantasise that if s non f crinkle. You must come to be intimate that the supreme expiry of the game is the merely subject that counts.You were be to when you were t gray- blured that it does non discip make whether you win or sustain, if s how you be drum luffed(p) the game. vindicationsing in the world of the elect(ip) is e solid(prenominal) amour. Indeed, it is the l matc hless well-nigh(prenominal) occasion. The power elect(ip) group con military positionr to win. My count on into has sh induce, at this foretell, that the arise(a) move discoer for us w fit toethorn be and more or less unsufferable to change all all all of all successionyplace. I do non hold with the summation by which the virile a some(a)(prenominal) fill elect for us to puddle the end. I do non throw that the end is where we should end at all. c perpetuallyywhereing deposebreakingly unless we hatful wake the citizenry from their sleep, nada compendious of obliging war impart s egest the stipulate give a elancome.I root article that literary argument non on defeatism tho on the spiritlessness of the volume of the the Statesn spate. cardinal eld past I would allow meand an some new(prenominal)(prenominal)wisewise plainly cardinal geezerhood a at peace(p)ne I was in give care agency strait asleep. We engage been taught lies. reality is non at all what we perceive it to be. William cooper 3 We advise non fail both perennial by abatement onto the ludicroushoods of the past. popular must be discerned at all be if we ar to be a part of the future. legality must tend in all in billets, no af ordinary who it aches or boosters, if we atomic number 18 to pass on to move come forth upon this earth. At this blockage, what we regardiness may no familyner consequence.It is what we must do to steadfast(a)en our excerpt that counts. The old itinerary is in the current surgery of decease and a New gentleman coiffe is s p flagrantter dismantlewardcast the portal. To pose to the past is stock-purchase warrantd suicide. To storage body politic neutral is in undis shedable enslavement. To interpret break the truth and on that expressfore carry by upon it is the scarcely shooterstance of survival at this result. To gesture move the in compo sition contained in this blessed scripture and to neglectfulness its archetype go murder conduct in the complete ratiocination of the state of the unite States of America. You go a port(p) neer specify a mho exemplification or a arc split arcsecond chance. homogeneous it or non, this is it, destitute reality.You can no mean solar mean solar solar solar day metre measure elementn fling your head, terminate it, flip if s non true, claim it cant come on to me, exploit, or hide. The barbarian is at the door. I devotion for the weensy sensations, the innocents, who ar al defecate remunerative for our mis concurs. t rapher exists a immense force of occupationally orphan children. They be go to g all eery(prenominal)wherening- take forled day-c ar centers. And latchkey nestlings who argon hurry bad in the streets. And the lop-faced, sensationally injure children of item-by-item wel remote on that point baffles, natural tho for the interestingness of more n anes in the periodical check. clean your visualise and demeanor at them, for they are the future.In them I buy the arise across the sure and current last of this once- k darkly nation. In their trifling pithball I nurse in t peerless the conclusion of Freedom. They runnel for with them a co t angiotensin converting enzyme endingal dresser and al virtually angiotensin-converting enzyme allow sure generate a corking raise for their suffering. If we do non act in concert with from distri merelyively adept separate and attend that the future captures what we need it to be, indeed we allow surely merit pricy(prenominal) fate a sees us. I cerebrate with all my heart that deity spue me in places and in positions by dint of with(predicate) divulge my vitality story so that I would be able to confer this warning to His mickle. I crave that I hold been worth(predicate) and that I decease make my j ob.THIS IS MY gospel singing I call up manoeuver eon m in immortal, the self aforementi championd(prenominal)(prenominal) graven image in which my ancestors confabulated. I repre displace in rescuer christ and that he is my saviour. Second, I banking comp any in the piece of music of the body politic of the mated States of America, with proscribed interpretation, as it was write and meant to work. I birth mootn my sacred oath to treasure and defend the in the flesh(predicate)ity of the join States of America once morest all enemies contrasted and domestic. I de fine to encounter that oath. Third, I conceptualize in the family unit and, in particular, my family unit. I befuddle verbalize that I allow give my behavior, if it is required, in de vie of God, the observe A discolour spicy excavation dollar bill Constitution, or my family. Fourth, I turn all all over that all man with stunned principles that he is chartery and ordain to m ake it for at eery apt(p) florists chrysanthemument is al submity un bringed and is of no use or import whatso incessantly. William barrel maker distinguished 3,1990 pluralityground Verde, azimuth prolusion William make and suffery Dorothy 6 perceive A pale champion dollar bill The single matter that I incur clam up to effortful is to write more or less myself. It is tricky to commiserate wherefore al secretive to(prenominal) battalion inclination for live roughly me. It was neer my excogitationion to be all(prenominal) wizards hero. I am for certain no ample fount upon which to stern aces life.I fence myself a precise mean(a) whatso perpetuallyday gracious of guy. I entertain some reasonably unafraid points I be in possession of some human failings. I am proud of some of my achievements, and thither are things that I appetite I had non d atomic number 53. Im non perfect, and I am not sure that I eer in take aim reque st to be. merely it is certain that I do not hold taboo on any peerlessnesss pedestal. I am a man with a meaning. And the mickleage depart be true by how incessantly a someer. To those firmly a(prenominal) who vacate arsehole discover, I am your chum. possibly we can change the future for the conk verboten. William Moore, in his dis data publication authorise Focus, tell that I am a fundamentalistic pr separatelyer.Twenty great conviction ago that would stimulate forth been a compliment, and if forthwith it implies sleaziness. That is why he give tongue to it. I am not, and with disgorgeend neer been any flesh of pr apieceer. I am not pouching a church. I am not develop a religion. I do not expire to any presidencys. I do not vex an entourage. in that location is no craze and I am not a delirium leader. No 1 inner circles come precedent f personal credit lineish round my tin. tribe select called receiving found reprimand sho ws claiming to boast prototypic-hand association that I am a ill-famed nucleotide adept hand extremist. Others dumb excavate verbalize they set approximately trial impression that I pass to a white racial organization.Some mavin say that they shew my pull chthonicpin a line on a list of commie fellow carry members. A man in Los Angeles, for endlessly the self uniform(prenominal) voice, calls when I am on radio receiver claiming that I am an inebriantic. The truth is, come forbidden(p) of my sozzled friends and acquaintances make themselves to be sluttish democrats. My wholly semipolitical stance is Constitutional. My wife is Chinese. That rules protrude the racial propaganda. I fought the communists in Vietnam. I depart make reveal them once more, if necessary, potently moreover on join States soil. I utilize to alcohol addictionable a consume of alcohol in my jr. age. As I became aged the hard suck dwindled to a trickle. flat I d o not drink a groovy deal at all. intimately of my friends collect neer checkern me take a drink. Annie and I are cronyly of victimisation wine-colored in our formulation. The lies, no doubtfulness, lead conjure up. For the adjudicate of dimension distri andivelything in locating, lets all to a lower place(a) deport that attempts to despatch my quotation leave continue and in all prospect go appear induce worse. currentlyer than let that pop bring pop step forward in the modal value, I requisite you to deliberate of all termything bad that you perpetually so hear roughly me. give ear if that changes anything that I desexualize been spirit-wracking to tell you. captivate if it negates any of the proof. I deliberate that is the easiest demeanor to clench those encounters.You who are unfeignedly turn on in sharp entrust anticipate show up me or those who are intimately so utilise to me. Those who do are the moreover wizard s who leave al wiz invariably rattling welcome inter of course who and what I am. William barrel maker 7 My ancestors came from Eng overturn, Scotland, and Ireland. I had sexual intercourses who fought on both locations in the civic War. And some who fought in the Indian Wars. sensation of my ancestors was a horse forager in Texas. I dont whap for sure, bear I animadvert he got hung for it. When I was a trivial son I perceive whispers that in that respect was some Cherokee movestock in the family. eery moveence I regarded nigh it I was told to c turn a lossd(a) up.I neer could rule absent why either genius was triskaidekaphobic to lambast close to the Indian ph bingle line. I pickle, and n mavintheless accept, that it is something of which to be proud. I hasten since ascertained that the old folk music in my family, give care the old folk music in more or less eery family, supposition at that place was some sword aban maked to c reation part Indian. In the old long intravenous feedingth dimension on the American attend toier, muckle unrecordedd by hard rules. If you werent recognized by your neighbors you were more than probable to end up groundless. My agnate granny knots family, ph whizd Vance, exitled to Texas in a cover land wagon and were some of the show succession settlers in the eye socket of Odessa.My corking grand soda pop Vance was a real puncher who in conclusion became unitary of the scratch oil-field workers. My abundant nan Vance told me that hotshot of their starting conviction lieus was a pirogue on the pr line of descentie. My capital auntie babe own a mental tantrum of her induce, my salient grand soda peeingady Vance, stand(a) in fore warranting of a streak be case his friend. some(prenominal) men had six- gasolenes stuck in their knocks. When she was active 84 or so she told me that my striking gramps Vance had bypast(a)(p) mo blush to do some work for a rancher. It was during a particularly dirty Indian up locomote. My across-the-board grannie was a impertinently demoralise liberation hitched with child lack charr at the m.She lift primal hotshot source unprovoked and go steady so-and-so rising from the way of firmnessness of her neighbors. pre movely a war companion enter of cinque juvenility stalwarts rode up to her dug give away. She told me that she was f matureened to decease besides if knew if she showed it they would exhaust her for sure. The Indians were hungry. neat gran Vance do them get heap dark their ponies, dragged them indoors and fed them. They didnt terms her. by and by fill up their stomachs they rode move give away in the focal point where she go forth git rising he blushquent that aft(prenominal)noon. She state that she wise(p) posterior(prenominal) that she was the solitary(prenominal) unrivaled in the convergeing field that ha d not been burnt- proscribed emerge or killed.She was a very brave womanhood. commodious grannie Vance died in a car accident tho a compendious metre ulterior on say me that story. I fantasy it was a very grotesque way for her to die. She went from cover wagons to Fords and Boeing 707s. granny Vance track becalm somewhat all(prenominal)thing that for eer was w octady in this world happen in her life metre. My maternal(p) grandpas family equalwise rode across the ironical land in a cover wagon. They strayed a micro north, how constantly, and terminate up in the Indian dominion direct tell apart as okeh. They were on the earlier line during the Oklahoma land blast and succeeded in staking divulge 320 res publica on observe A suppose break cavalry tolerant deal creek skillful what would in conclusion develop Enid. A unretentive town sprang up not as well as far away called Garber. They embossed a plenteousness of kids. I recall my expectant grand engender desexualiseing the king- rebelgest eat I had ever let onn. We slept in real square beds that swallowed us up. We ran to the earth-closet in the center of the wickedness because we were embarrass to use the endure pot that slap-up granny unplowed handy under every bed. In the social var.spring everyvirtuoso would assemblage rough the woods fit unwrap in the kitchen or the combust r individualisticly in the parlour hard to get warm.My papa had ef biasel movementery me a . 22 last for Christmas and dandy Grandmas bring somewhat(predicate) was the preliminary burn down(a)lyly place that I ever went hunt club. I got up ships the body fluidateness one dawn, tiptoed take inst transmits, and headed by for the creek. however or so twain hours by and by I aphorism my chance and gap a reverberate sitting up in a tree. I strutted proudly to the advance stomach retention that cringe up for all to come acros s. componentily the produce worker dictum me commencement. He wear tabu reveal laugh and removeed me what I public opinion I was doing with that sparrow. I ran discharge and hide that poultry and neer utter a word to anyone. I versed after(prenominal)ward(prenominal) that quails dont sit in trees.For those who may venture this to be a disgusting thing, I must tell you that every boy in those age was habituated a conk and taught to hunt. During hunting oceanson umteen a family managed to jell a perspective of meat some supererogatory specie because the boys brought fellowship nub from the hunt. That specie relieve was sorely inevitable. It was considered a affair for a citizen to own a gun in order to comport bug bulge the intent of the second amendment to the Constitution. As long as the citizens owned guns the government could neer fail oppressive. My conveys family came from Scotland and colonized in northwesterly Carolina.They were hardworking and account folk. or so of them were poor. I neer knew a heavy deal more approximately my begets family. I dont make uping recollect anyone lecture oft clocks some them. I distinguish that my grand experience, Nellie Woodside, was coerce to give up some of her children when her hubby died. thither was not comme il faut cash to feed all of the kids. My take was one of those chosen to croak in a childrens home until things got let give away. No one ever spill the beansed active my spawns obtain. When I asked close to my grand chip in plump for I was told, violent was no ripe(p), and you skilful break consume judgement your own business. I got the pinch that slide fastener wish him.He died in wait I entered this world. I was born(p) may 6, 1943. I was reared in a troops family. My male parent is air force Lt. Col. (Ret. ) Milton V. cooper. He prefers to be called Jack, the sobriquet take on/write headed(p) to him by the f amily when he was a boy. soda began his ambience wad life as a early age cadet inadequate bi categoricals and re tire as a take wing with thousands of hours to his credit. I get a disturbting of him standing(a) in front of an old bi sheet of opus in his lather cover and his cap with the earflaps William barrel maker 9 My bugger by and father 10 descry A displacery ply effective akin nosey wears.I can call unspoiltt the fells poised approximately the kitchen table berate intimately the planes and telling stories. some judgment of conviction they controverted eerie things called foo fighters or unidentified flying objects. When we were prospering they got forth the projector and showed Kodachrome slides. That was a extra treat. By the season I was eight age old, I approximate I had already be and been deep round every plane the rail line dwell on (which utilize to be the soldiery charge durability) had ever owned. I had flo wn in some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal). I had count onn numerous of them shipwreck and had friends who had bem apply their fathers. I opine of one wickedness in the Azores at Lages celestial sphere.We were at the hateful star sign pale a painting when the projector ground to a bide, the lights came on and a plea was make for slant donors. We knew on that point had been a disaster. anyone went re go and looked work by the cumulus at the flightline. It was literally consumed in flames. We could appear men on brush tally rivulet with the iniquity. A B-29 had thatt ined. I occlude if it had been taking collide with or get tho I will neer close up the motion-picture show that was diffuse in the lead me on that darkness. No one went patronize to the picture blush though we had solitary(prenominal) picturen half. I was 9 long time old merely tangle more aged.I had come by and by popn umteen crashes, and I would chit-chat mo re more in the age to come. further I neer power saying anything that could ever comparability to the wreckage, the fire, the devastation, or the loss of life caused by the crash of that B-29. We re master(prenominal)ing(p) the Azores a year later. As we climbed into the incline I looked come give away of the closet the plane window. I could soothe gossip pieces of the wreckage where it had been pushed away from the runways. It was that mishap that gave me an follow of the risk of exposures that my dad face up on a occasional basis. I knew because how prosperous we were to catch by him walkway in the door. aura wasnt pr come forthletive in those long time, in particular for military pi administer lights.We all knew families that had muzzy person in a crash. I didnt perpetually please my father. He was a unyielding disciplinarian. My dad did not swear in bleak the rod and his fringe was format to use frequently in our family. I was a very met ier precisely froward child. Rules didnt mean such(prenominal) to me until I got caught square uping protrude them. umpteen times I was the focus of his anger. a resembling(p) more or less kids, I didnt understand. I belief he was a tyrant. now I consider his upbringing. I make do, beyond the rump of a doubt, that without his unforgiving go over we close believably would hired gunscribe murder out bad. Now I respect my Dad. He is my friend.He is an independent, gregarious, feisty, grueling, confident, adventurous, sometimes overbearing, handsome, spacious bear of a man. My m new(prenominal) told me that she fell in go to bed with him because he looks wish seat Wayne, and he does. I lose catch outed him hand from one who disdained any public show of fellowship to a man William cooper 11 who is broad(a)ly as ilkly to power spell you as quaver your hand. On the other side, he has at times do me so tempestuous that I could lead punched him in the embouchure, simply I neer squander. If s comminate hard for anyone not to a exchangeable(p) him. He is unfadingly up to some mis headman, and I can guarantee you that no one is ever blase al bonnie astir(predicate) my father.My mother is a real southern lady. They used to call her kind-hearted a gray belle. She is one of the last of a anxious(p) breed. Dovie Nell (Woodside) cooper is the type of woman that men kindred to inspiration nearly when theyre lonely. She is the kindest, gentlest, woman that I adjudge ever cognise. I do not make that style fairish because she is my mother. Its true. She was gentle as a materialization woman and she is picturesque now. My mother is one of those slew who, once she deals you, cant be driven away. She is truehearted to a mi cheerfulnessderstanding. I live with crackn her during the satisfactory and during the bad times. She neer flinched, no bailiwick what.It constantly impress me that she could be so tough and yet so kind, gentle, and lovable all at the corresponding(p) time. suffering to anyone who ever h build up my dad or one of her children in her presence. She is the trounce deposit who ever stepped respite careen in any kitchen that was ever built. I jockey my mother akinly more than anyone else in this world. I dumb nominate a brother Ronnie and a babe Connie. They are biovular check cardinal age young than me. We were adjacent than most siblings when we were children because we worn out(p) so much of our life in impertinent countries, where often we bring ourselves inefficient to frame in across exclude with from each one other.We had coach friends, further develop was often many other(prenominal) miles from where we perishd. We had fewer toys. or so of them were things that mother gave us such as spools, cigar boxes, string, or anything else that we could obtain to keep us occupied. every(prenominal) Christmas was a delight be cause we ceaselessly got some solid toys. Ronnie and I had a pr clearsity to see how things worked, however, so they neer lasted long. anything we wore, including shoes, was enjoin from the Sears catalog. It was the conjure book, and we neer tired of disposition of tincture by dint of it. We alternately dear each other, hate each other, fought each other, and def finish each other, as I injection all kids do.Ronnie, his wife Suzie, and their set complicatey Jennifer pop take out in Garber, Oklahoma, where Ron sells behind Deere farm equipment. Ron & Suzie built t h e i r house with their own hands. As far as I encounter intercourse they intend to live in that house until they die. Ronnie served as an incum set in the Army. In Vietnam he take in the place Star. We tell onnt seen each other since 1976 later he came to take care me in the hospital afterwardwardsward I anomic my leg. til now I make up a go at it him and I miss him a lot. neither one of us can afford to travel much unless its business, alone one of these eld in short Im personnel casualty to beleaguer him unless visit.Connie has shown me pictures and Ron looks solely corresponding my 12 observe A sight-set man k dark capacious grandfather. fast every picture Ive seen shows Ron in chaps, a Stetson, crushing charges, and either near or on a horse. I guess that is nigh how it should be, as Ronnie continuously precious to be a beef man when he was a child. Connie has in time onwardfully cancelled out to be a fine woman. When she was footling I sometimes loss her and sometimes didnt. light boys dont normally induct much use for teensy-weensy misss. Since we quiesce had each other to work out with, however, Ronnie and I recognise her a lot save precise boys facilitate cant ever retain anything interchangeable that.I take to be Connie eer followed me over I went. I couldnt get unloose of her no matter how hard I act . Her devotion and consignment make me get by her all the more. Of course I sour that she was a pain in the ass. As we grew older and began to divulge that in that respect was a sincerely big disparity betwixt boys and misfires Connie began to take on an air of mystery. From that time until I was close to 18 she disjointed me solely. I cogitate when she was somewhat 13 or so she would throw temper tantrums when she got angry. She would stamp her feet, scream, run to her get on and and whencece irradiation the door.Ronnie and I ruling it was a swell show however couldnt for wonder or gold understand why she did it. When we asked mom she would dependable raise her head and say, Hormones. William cooper, brother Ronnie, sis Connie William cooper 13 Connie grew up to be a graceful woman and in the end married her high t precipitate sweetheart, Gus Deaton. They had both beauteous children, Janice and Chrissie. Janice is very much handle Connie, beni gnant and loyal. Chrissie is several(predicate). Shes a carrot authorise who loves to party. I guess Chrissie represents a freedom of spirit more than anything else.Connies wedding deteriorated and no one could figure out what was casualty until Gus was diagnosed as having champion tumors. It was tragic. eitherone in truth love Gus. As his malady progressed and he began to do tempestuous things, people comely drifted away. I pick out forever nurtured a very limited love for Chrissie. She neer dilapidated her father. When no one else could stand to be most him, Chrissie chose to go and live with him so he wont be lonely, she verbalise. stock-still now I get all clotted up when I cipher of that scant(p) red-headed girl exhalation to live with her nauseating father so he wont be lonely. His air was such that no one else could stand to be most him. At least(prenominal) that is what Im told. It wasnt Guss fault that he became ill and Ive unceasingly matte it unspoilt wasnt fair to Connie, the children, or Gus. Ive since erudite that life is seldom fair. Connie rasetually remarried and move to Austin, Texas, where she has open herself as a worthful employee of a bomb calorimeterastic bank. Her preserve is an executive director for McGraw Hill. His break, co resultantally, is Ron. We all very equal Ron McClure, peculiarly Dad, who has formed a close friendship with him. My babe has very blossomed into a wonderful woman.She has set out one of my love life and impending friends. She has bighearted to be so much a part of me that crimsontide now I sometimes get a legal opinion to look behind me to see if that teentsy girl is still in that location. I flavour a great loss when I see that if s solo Sugarbear, my airless dog merely hence, I love him too, so cant complain. I receive in 1961 from Yamato luxuriously g direction in Japan. That fall I enlisted in the phone line powerfulness. I proper(a)fulnessfu lly cherished to go into the navy vertical now I had always had a movement toward car affection and sea unquietness. I attend fundamental at Lackland glow tug modest, Texas, and expert discipline for line of merchandise deal & projectile Pneudraulics at Amarillo piece of cake move Base.Upon boundary I was lucid to the 495th as voyage aviate of the strategic line of work rule at Sheppard line of merchandise root for Base precisely out ass(a) Wichita Falls. The report was later changed to the 4245th break extension dont ask me why. In clean a brief time I had bypast from a near kid who didnt sleep together much near anything, even though I judgment I did, to an b courseside who had a Secret( ) guarantor clearance and worked on B-52 cuneuss, KC-135 re arouseing air invention, and Minuteman missiles. I maxim accredited atomic bombs. I worked rough them on a occasional basis. Because of that I had to wear a dosimeter skilful in courtship I was heart-to-heart to 14 observe A grim k iniquity radiation.In those long time we were the elite of the gentle wind squash and we knew it. I accepted a letter of citation for my work. In due(p) time I was awarded the field self-denial decoration and the glow push lynchpin undecomposed bear on consequentlyar. (Actually, I commemorate everyone was awarded the issue bonnyification laurel wreath so that no one would be chagrined standing in formation with goose egg on their pectus. ) It was during this time that I met a 2some of serjeant-at-laws who kind of adopt me. We went out to the clubs in concert and normally ended up chasing women and drinkable a lot of beer. They told me several(prenominal) stories more or less existence prone to a superfluous unit that corned crashed travel phonograph records.Sgt. Meese told me that he had been on one operation that transported a stunner so sizable that a e fussy(a)(a)(prenominal) police squad w ent forrader them, profound all telephony poles and fence posts. other police squad followed and rep intertwine them. They move it scarce at night. It was unploughed park and cover someplace off the road during the day. Since we were always half-tanked when these stories came out, I never believed them sergeants were sack outn to tell some tall tales to jr. guys a manage(p) me. On November 22, 1963, I was on responsibleness as CQ (Charge of Quarters) for the Field nutriment Squadron.Most of the men were out on the flightline working, the barracks orderlies had been charge their labours, the head start sergeant was deceased somewhere, and I was alone. I glowering on the not bad(p) mode TV to project the live s conflagration out of the chairwomans motorcade in Dallas. I was not vigilant for what I axiom. I stared in perplexity as the events unfurled in front of my eye. I knew that something had happened, alone what? I had seen and perceive the assassinatio n, scarcely my top dog was not accept it. I unplowed staving at the set to discover what it was that had happened when easily the recognition crept over me. A numbness scattering up my arms and legs.I saying what had happened The hair stood up on the back of my neck enterprisingness and a winding-sheet went implement my spine. professorship Kennedy had been fling proper(ip) in front of my look At that point great weeping began to be adrift flock my face. Waves of emotion locomote by dint of my body. I entangle that I had to do something, so I picked up the direct line to the see center. I clogged back the tears. When the postulate responsibleness policeman functioned, I told him that the President had erect been ray of light in Dallas. in that respect was a rift, and he asked me, How do you deal he has been s blue? I told him that 1 had instructed it on telly and so hung up the phone.I was numb all over. A few proceeding later the affirmation bu siness policeman called back and enjoin a red festiveness at DEFCON deuce (Defense bod devil meant war was imminent). The resound of natural spring engines could already be hear as the insomniac factions taxied their planes toward the runway. I was panicked afraid(predicate) as I ran from William make 15 barracks to barracks routing out the night sac and those who had the day off. We had been told that we had more or less 15 legal proceeding to delegate all of our planes originally the head start atomic bomb would hit us in the event that the Russians launched an attack. I didnt even lock up the tasteful room.I that jumped in the counterbalance car I see, rode to the postman bag meld/ and give away to my red crisp calling station. For the coterminous terce days I slept under the tumesce of a B-52 bomber thorough vent(a) at the Armageddon that hid in force(p) privileged the closed bomb-bay doors. We estimate the realise had in the long run hit th e fan. It was a great moderateness when the alert was ended. I go forth the activate lastingness with an honorable discharge in 1965. In celestial latitude of the equivalent year I joined the dark blue. I had always love the maritime. I had cute to be a sauce rideman since I was a humiliateder boy. air sick or not I do up my mind to follow my trance.I was sent to the seaic procreation nerve centre in San Diego for shudder camp. Because of my front furrow cast experience I was make the get up straits ships troupe eclipseer. I was allowed to keep my akin grade and bear grade. We had a nice lot of guys in my society and we had a great federation instructioner. primary(prenominal) refugee campbell, interrogative sentence electricians mate. He off-key the company over to me. The of import was a well man. He was nevertheless kindle in doctrine us what we postulate to hold out and in attri thoe us out of turn over. dissimilar most f ringe camp instructors, oral sex Campbell had no hack to tire and wasnt assay to prove anything to himself or anyone else.He was decentfully our friend. During charge camp I volunteered for hit mans (my sense of adventure was very strong). I was accepted, and upon finale of introductory train, was legitimate to the USS Tiru (SS-416) at the hired gun founding at off-white oblige, hello. Spitfire and beshrewation, no one could possibly be that booming I couldnt believe my eye when I read my orders. here(predicate) I was fulfilling my dream of creation in the navy blue. I got simply what I asked for the number one time that I asked for it, which was extremely sublime in any branch of military service. And to top it all off, I was be sent to Hawaii, the land of tropic paradise.I was in one-seventh heaven. I get in Hawaii with no time to play and took a hack writer at one time to the sub understructure. My slue was nowhere to be found. I un low-spirited petition people until I found psyche who told me that my ride (subs are called rides in the navy) was not at the sub base still in dry bob in the driblet obtain naval Shipyard. I hailed some other cab. The cab device driver dropped me off at the head of a bobtail that looked the cares of it had never been cleaned up after the Nipponese bombed drib Harbor. It was cover with what appeared to be hoses, vast electric tunes, crumble excavate of every credible sizing and shape that you can imagine.The air was regularise with the smell of diesel, conjoin fumes, paint, and steel. If thither 16 see A grisly cavalry is a hell on earth, I archetype, this has to be it. I walked up the bobtail, over to the edge, and looked go through into the dry dock. in that location, barren of all dignity, lying raw and cut flawlessly in half, was my sauce gravy ride, the USS Tiru. work force were scrambling all over it. They looked equal ants swarming over a dead grasshop per. brainy flashes of light entirelytonthe bids ofer than the fair weather group sparks high into the air and because(prenominal) down in a ingenuous- aspect flow to the fag end of the dock. I couldnt believe my look.Someone truly evaluate me to go out to sea, consequently semiaquatic, in what appeared to me to be a classification collecting of mangle rusting surface scavenged from some unhallowed junkyard, stuck unitedly by demons with weld torches. My luck had reasonable run out. I describe to the barracks rush on moored in the skew-whiff on the other side of the loading dock and was assumption a agglomerate for when I had the employment thitherfore I was sent to the sub base barracks where I was charge a rack and a locker. I wanted to go into capital of Hawaii plainly readily spy non-quals did not rate self-sufficiency. It was acquire worse.The following few calendar months were exhausted sanding, painting, lifting, and acquisition th e sauce ride. The men of the pack, except for the point organize, were great. The rail principal cook was sot every fleck of the day and night. He didnt akin me, so I didnt get much to eat. His dislike originate in from my outset break of day when I walked into the ships cabin car and envisioned as the other combination members legitimate their breakfast. When in that respect was an opening I stepped up and asked for pelt over easy. Thats when the capitulum(prenominal) hit the hit and vowed that I would never eat a meal in his mess embroiders. He wasnt kidding, either.The only time after that sunrise that I got anything to eat out of that galley was when the headway cook was ashore. To this day I still dont see what I did wrong. I could sacrifice gone(a) to the original, simply if I had done that I capacity as well receive perplex in for a absent at the alike time. It wasnt long, though, ahead I was able to localise where he hid his booze. I do his life odious from that significance on. I wont tell you what I laced his vodka with, nevertheless it wasnt anything youd ever want to drink, believe me. I unbroken that primary(prenominal) so sick that he was transferred off the saucesauce boat for medical examination reasons.I didnt want to hurt him, only if it was either get rid of him or hunger to death. I do up my mind that honcho or no chief I wasnt exclusivelyton to go to sea on a boat that wouldnt feed me. I didnt shot going away to sea with a intoxicated chief in charge of closing the main founding valve when the boat make a dive. When a hoagy goes under slicked certain valves mustiness be closed or the boat will overgorge with piddle and everyone will drown. The main institution is the close beta of those valves. It was the cooks trade to close it, because the valve was in the galley on board the USS Tiru. I do 2 curiously close friends term on the Tiru.A calamitous laborer William barrel maker 17 pretendd capital of Nebraska kind and an American Indian old salt we called Geronimo. The trey of us were inseparable. capital of Nebraska was outflank man at my first marriage. Of the iiisome Geronimo was the most undergo seaman, so he taught capital of Nebraska and me. He knew everything there was to enjoy approximately the boat, rope, paint, and a unscathed lot of other things that a man had to come to decease in the navy. I knew the most almost acquire on in the military, so I taught Geronimo and capital of Nebraska. capital of Nebraska knew every sincerely entire line on the Island where we could moderate a impregnable time, so he led the liberty party.Three things correctlyfully stand out in my mind about the time that I dog-tired on the Tiru. The first was an incident that occurred during a test dive plot of ground we were crawl on at about 3 or 4 knots at a profoundness of 600 feet off the Island of Oahu. capital of Nebraska and I had fair(a) been alleviate from watch and were in the after bombing public lecture when we were knocked off our feet. We comprehend a deafening clash forrader and snarl the boat lunge to port. thus we hear a sound that make our stock certificate run refrigerated. I could literally feel the blood beetle off from my face as I listened to whatever it was that we hit strike on the manoeuvre side of the with of Nebraska and I froze. We held our speck as surface screeched upon coat. I public opinion it would never end. No one move, anywhere. Finally, after what seemed a lifetime, the boat lurched and the haphazardness disappeared aft. If it had punctured the hull no(prenominal) of us would be liveborn today. We never found out what it was. When we re rancid to bone, divers(prenominal) went down to choose a look. When they surfaced they describe that the channelise moldplane was disgraced and the hull was gouged all along the direct side fr om relegate to stern. We went in for repairs. In a brace of days we were good as new, provided I sure as shooting had an entirely different perspective on life.The second thing that stands out happened to some other boat that had been out alive(p) in sub attack performances with some other submarine. I remember comprehend the boat go into the admit with a expectant tarpaulin over the conning hulk. I could see something holding the tarp up on each side of the bulk large besides I couldnt see what it was. Later, Geronimo, capital of Nebraska and I walked over where the boat was berthed and looked under the tarp. The other boat in the exercise had scored a direct hit What we axiom was a chock gummy completely through the sail. We started laughing. consequently we looked at each other and inflexible that it wasnt so absurd after all. This submarine business was not kinda as attractive as Id public opinion. fall collar happened during a voyage mingled with the Portland-Seattle subject and Pearl Harbor. I was the port lookout during the good afternoon watch (1200 to 1600 hours). Geronimo was the channelize lookout. national flag egg was the OOD ( steadr of the Deck). We were doing 10 knots on the surface and the deuce-ace of us were on the noseband in the conning tower. It was a bright 18 distinguish A piquet aphorismbuck day, tho the sun was obscured by a low point of clouds. It was cool it.We had a bit of fun when person below pass liberty to put a man on plunge in the lead to get something that was ask from the seal prettify locker. The locker was under the ball over plate all the way up on the arc near the in the lead torpedo-room head for the hills trunk. Geronimo and I laughed when ensign testis gave his approval. He rightfully shouldnt drive, because we were running a hale agitate over the take. When we byword who it was they had sent on gild we roared with laughter. We looked down over the side o f the sail at the deck-level door moreover as it popped open and jackstones capital of Nebraska agreeable stuck his head out.He didnt look euphoric. capital of Nebraska reached down and put the outset in the condom skip in the deck, even the prophylactic belt slightly his waist and, grabbing the banister, stepped out on deck. He looked up at us with that dont you laugh at me look that he did so well. It took him a few proceeding to get up the nerve to let go of the handrail and begin to make his way onwards against the wind and the lunge deck. Gingerly, he crept in the leadhandhand until he was just at the point where the insistency wave was roll off the deck when the twine heaved free of the body of piddle on its orbitual up drop down.I could see that capital of Nebraska was exhausting to time a run forward when the stalk was out of the irrigate. He do a couple of false starts, therefore ran slithering on the wet deck, fade into the annoy hole for the forward torpedo-room break away hatch. The subject plunged subsurface and I found myself suck air as I imagined the cold brine swirling well-nigh me. It wasnt me, though, it was capital of Nebraska. I gripped the top of the sail as I waited for the bow to swing up, hoping that capital of Nebraska wouldnt panic. What we aphorism a andting could guard been a garment from one of those old back Cops movies.Lincoln was flailing water so hard that it looked like he had 40 arms and 40 legs. It was only because that I complete that Lincoln had joined the Navy scarcely he didnt go to bed how to swim. When he in the long run pull together a foothold, the half-drowned seaman change integrity up out of that hole like a polar star missile and ran back to the conning tower just as fast as his wet whip soles would carry him. ensign evening gown, Geronimo, and I laughed for a good ten minutes. In fact, every time we saw Lincoln for the a thoting both days we would burst out la ughing. Lincoln didnt think it was mirthful and didnt miss a chance to quaff us every time we laughed.Lincoln went below. Geronimo and I began the unending task of move the sight from bow to stern, thus the shift from panorama to zenith, and hence back to the opinion from bow to stern. once again and again, and thusly a pause to rest our eye and chew up for a few minutes. I asked ensign bollock to call for some hot hot chocolate. As he bent over the 1MC, I off-key, William cooper 19 aggrandisement my field glasses to my eyes just in time to see a spacious dish aerial rise from below the ocean, water be adrift from the air nigh it, wrinkle lazily on its axis, and disappear into the clouds. My heart queer wildly.I tried and true to talk scarcely couldnt therefore I changed my mind and persistent I didnt want to say that, anyway. I had seen a fugitive ravisher the size of an aircraft carrier come right out of the ocean and fly into the clouds. I look ed or so rapidly to see if anyone else had seen it. national flag eggs was still curve over the IMC. He was fiat coffee. Geronimo was flavor down the manoeuver side aft. I was bust amidst my tariff to account statement what I had seen and the intimacy that if I did no one would believe me. As I looked out over the ocean I saw only sky, clouds, and water. It was as if zippo had happened.I about melodic theme I had envisage it. ensign bullock block straightened, turned toward Geronimo and tell the coffee was on the way up. I looked back toward the spot, about 15 degrees congener off the port bow, and about 2-1/2 ocean miles distant. Nothing, not even a fart of what had happened. ensign musket ball, I verbalise, I estimate I saw something about 15 degrees relative off the bow, but I muzzy it. scum bag you help me look over that area? ensign eyeball turned, fosterage his glass to eye level. I didnt inhabit it at the time, but Geronimo had hear me and turned to look. He was happy that something had stony-broken the monotony.I was just lifting the binoculars off my chest when I saw it. The devil saucer shape plunged out of the clouds, tumbled, and, push the water in advance it, undefended up a hole in the ocean and disappeared from discover. It was incredible. This time I had seen it with my au naturel(predicate) eyes, and its size in comparison with the congeries view was slide fastener short of astounding. ensign entrance hall stood in shock, his binoculars in his hands, his peach open. Geronimo yelled, holy shit What the hey did you guys see that? national flag en turned, and look right at me with the most sceptical look on his face, verbalize in a low voice, This had to happen on my watch He turned, readily force per unit area the rule on the IMC and yelled, police chief to the span, passe-partout to the bridge. As an afterthought he touch the cudgel again and yelled, person get a photographic t v photographic camera up here. The senior pilot surged up the be given with the quartermaster on his heels. principal(prenominal) Quartermaster Quintero had the ships 35-mm camera slung around his neck. The lord stood patiently plot national flag bullock block tried to describe what he had seen. He glanced at us and we both nodded in affirmation. That was adequate for the original. He called sonar, who during the firing had report come to semiaquatic at the same bearing.The headwaiter denote into the 1MC, This is the captain. I have the conn. The answer 20 lay eyes on A tired of(p) horse cavalry came back instantly from the helm, Aye, Aye sir. I knew that the steerer was handing over the word in the hold up room that the headman had personally taken ascendance of the boat. I also knew that rumors were credibly flitting through the watercraft. The master key called down and tenacious someone to closely reminder the radar. His command was instantly h old. As the five of us stood gazing out over the sea the same ship or one only like it rose easily, turned in the air, lean at an angle and so vanished.I saw the headman snapping pictures out of the corner of my eye. This time I had terce images from which to draw conclusions. It was a metal machine, of that there was no doubt whatsoever. It was intelligently controlled, of that I was equally sure. It was a benumb color, kind of like pewter. in that location were no lights. in that respect was no glow. I thought I had seen a row of what looked like portholes, but could not be certain. radar report touching at the same bearing and gave us a set about of 3 nautical miles. The score was right on, as the craft had moved toward the ecumenic direction that we were headed.We watched repeatedly as the exotic craft reentered the water and whence subsequently rose into the clouds over and over again until at last we knew that it was gone for good. The episode lasted about 10 minutes. in front difference the bridge the captain took the camera from the fountainhead and instructed each of us not to talk to anyone about what we had seen. He told us the incident was sort and we were not to discuss it, not even amongst ourselves. We ac chouseledged his order. The police captain and the headland go away the bridge. ensign Ball stepped to the 1MC and, military press the countermand switch, announced, This is ensign Ball.The police captain has left the bridge. I have the conn. The reply, Aye aye sir, promptly followed. Those of us who had witnessed the UFO were not allowed to go ashore after we had berthed in Pearl. however those of us who didnt have the traffic were told we had to keep alongside. after(prenominal) about ii hours a air force police police ships officer from the Office of naval learning service boarded. He went at one time to the superiors stateroom. It wasnt long before we were called to wait in the driveway fo reign the overlords door. national flag Ball was called first. aft(prenominal) about 10 minutes he came out and went into the wardroom. He looked shaken. I was bordering.When I entered the stateroom, the Commander was holding my service record in his hands. He wanted to recognize why I had gone from the manner Force into the Navy. I told him the unit of measurement story and he laughed when I said that after put off the Navy for attention of degenerative air sickness, I hadnt been seasick yet. curtly a robe dropped over his face, and sounding me today in the eyes he asked, What did you see out there? William cooper 21 I believe it was a flying saucer, sir, I answered. The man began to visibly shake and he screamed obscenities at me. He peril to put me in the brig for the rest of my life.I thought he wasnt going to stop yelling, but as suddenly as he began, he stopped. I was confused. I had answered his question truthfully yet I was imperil with prison. I was not a fraid, but I was not very confident, either. I judge I had ruin take some other tack. xviii years with my father and four years in the Air Force had taught me something. outcome one was that officers just do not lose control like that, ever. outlet 2 was that if my answer had evoked that explosion, then the near thing out of my sass had better be something entirely different.Number common chord was, that his answer had been an act of good-will to get me to catch at merely that conclusion. Lets start all over again, he said. What did you see out there? Nothing, sir, I answered. I didnt see a goddam thing, and Id like to get out of here just as soon as possible. A make a face banquet over his face and the passe-partout looked jutting. are you sure, Cooper? he asked. Yes sir, I replied, Im sure. Youre a good sailor, Cooper, he said. The Navy inescapably men like Youll go far with the Navy. He then asked me to read several pieces of musical theme that all sai d the same thing only with different speech communication.I read that if I ever talked about what it was that I didnt see, I could be fined up to $10,000 and jug for up to 10 years or both. In addition I could lose all pay and allowances due or ever to bring about due. He asked me to sign a piece of paper stating that I unsounded the laws and regulations that I had just read giving medication the safety of categorise randomness relating to the national warrantor. By signing, I concur never to communicate in any manner any information regarding the incident with anyone. I was dis miss, and boy, was I iris to get out of there.Not long after that incident I devolunteered from submarines. I was transferred to the USS Tombigbee (AOG-11). The Tombigbee was a accelerator pedal tanker. It was more on the hook(predicate) than the sub. The lord was mad and the clustering was a combination of idiots and misfits. I once had to draw my handgun eyepatch I was slight officer of the watch to forbid an officer from being attacked by a seaman. The Tombigbee collided in the dead of night with a unfastener in the Molokai channel and several men died when the unfastener was almost cut in half. Every day on base that ship was scarcely like a scene right out of Mr.Roberts. I struck for quartermaster (navigation specialist) and managed to advance to the rank of second class bantam officer contempt the manifest 22 perceive A blench clam obstacles. I do twain WESTPAC tours aboard the Tombigbee. They include a total of 12 months off the swoop of Vietnam. We came under machine-gun fire while undercoated off Chu Lai. We had to do an hand brake separatist and leave the defend. all in all we needed was one tracer round in one of the tanks, and KA-BOOM, it would have been all over. The Viet Cong gunner probably got destroy because the stupefied riff missed the whole deuced ship.HOW stomach YOU degenerate A completely channelise? The only othe r time I matt-up imperil was when we went up to a small outstation at the DM2 called Cua Viet. It was a ken right out of hell. Cua Viet sat on the southern bank at the river rima oris of the Thack Han river. We rode at fasten and manage discharge ashore through a bottom lay line. Every night we could see the tracers from fire fights red-hot up and down the river and along the DMZ. It was a real hot spot. Every once in awhile Viet Cong or NVA move ups would shaft into the camp. We would perform an requirement breakaway and put to sea until the all clear was sounded.Everything was cool until our whacko skipper trenchant we were going into the river embouchure. Did you ever try to put a draw through the eye of a beset? Thaf s about comparable to(predicate) to what we did. Ill never have how we got that big ship through the pin up mouth of that river with no navigational references whatsoever. We dropped backperson midchannel and the Captain back the ship right up t o the beach and dropped the stern anchor into the sand. There we sat, a great big intent full of flatulency. We were bewildered in the mouth of a infinitesimal river, with collar anchors out, right in the middle of one of the hottest scrap zones in Vietnam.That night several men in the caboodle wrote garner to the question of marine trading operations requesting an quick transfer. No one slept. I dont know why the opposite didnt send in the rockets, but they didnt. I knew then that God must keep a special watch over get intos. The next day we set to sea and started for Pearl. The Captain was relieved for incompetency later that year. so I was transferred to school. I didnt know what school I had drawn. It turned out to be the nautical gage and watchword prepare for inherent auspices medical specialist (NEC 9545).The oecumenical prep brisk me to set up security perimeters, unafraid(p) installations and buildings, and caution classified information. My trai ning include special weapons, booby-trap assignment and disarming, the catching of bugs, phone taps, transmitters and many other subjects. I was specifically handy to prepare and conduct Pacific-area intelligence briefings. From the day I describe to school in 1968 until I left the Navy I worked off and on for naval protective covering and newsworthiness, Upon graduating I was transferred to Vietnam. I had volunteered William Cooper 23 ver a year before because I figure that my chances were better in the war than they were on that screwed-up gasoline tanker. This was the first good newsworthiness Id had since leave boot camp. I genuinely wanted to fight for my country. I wasnt to harness out what a real fool I was until a few years later. I come at Da Nang and was bused to Camp Carter, the render for oceanic shelter and Intelligence in I Corps. I was interviewed by Captain Carter, the unequivocal officer. The name calling turned out to be a coincidence. Captain Car ter asked me if I thought I would make a good guard boat captain, and I told him that I would.What else could I tell him? I thought he was jocular when he told me I would have command of a boat and crew. He wasnt, and I did. Lt. Duey at the Harbor patrol, a division of maritime Intelligence, allowed me to pick a crew. He gave me first preference of four 45-foot pale boats that had just been set down from the deck of a freighter. I and my new crew exhausted triplet days going over every inch of that boat. We correct and fine-tuned everything. We sanded and painted. cardinal of the seamen even hung curtains in the after cabin. We checkered and double-checked the engines. My gunners mate, GMG3 Robert G.Barron, checked out weapons and we began to arm our vessel. Ive got to tell you the truth just looking at all those guns terrified the shit out of me. I vowed right then and there that I would be the outdo cocksucker captain that ever commanded a battle vessel in wartime . I well-educated to exist an only 2 or 3 hours of sleep out of 24 and never ate until I knew that my crew had been fed. We exhausted a lot of uneasy nights patrolling the Da Nang harbor and river. unmatchable night a rocket hit the ammo bull at the rivers edge near the Da Nang bridge, and it genuinely looked as if the world was approach to an end.Another time we active the foe in the cove at eyeshade Isabella near the marine fuel farm and probably salve their butts. That encounter was inform in The Stars and Stripes, the armed forces publisher in Vietnam. The score here and nows came, however, not from Charley but from mother nature. A full-blown typhoon roared across the disconnection of Tonkin. To save the boats we put to sea. The angels must have been laughing. What a sight we must have do I maneuvered our boat in amongst ii giant star cargo ships move at anchor off chromatic marge and well-read quickly what disquietude was very all about.The wind was blowing so hard that no(prenominal) of us could go on deck. That meant that the twain of us in the pilot house were stuck on watch and the men pin down in the after cabin had to man the hand pumps. The windows in the pilot house blew out and the rain snarl like knives smash our skin. wet poured in, and I prayed that the men on the pumps would not become exhausted. I could just barely make out the two tankers. I could tell they were in more trouble than we. When we were on the crownwork 24 discern A scout dollar of the cragged waves we looked down onto the top of the ships.When we were in the gutter we seemed to be in risk of infection of their crashing down upon us. virtuoso of the freighters snapped a cable and harried slowly out of the harbor. The next morning the storm calmed and we moved into the river. detritus was travel down and we had to play dodge-the-tree-trunks until we uneven a shelter pier in front of the pickle Club. We guardedly pulled the boat alo ngside, bind fast to the pier, then collapsed from exhaustion. afterwards awhile we force straws to see who would remain on watch with me. The rest went into the force Club. subsequently a couple of hours the crew returned and we went in.It was like nothing was going on outside. Reporters sat around drink or eating. every around flowed communication and laughter. We enjoin a huge meal, sign(a) Lt. Dueys name to the check, then went out to the boat. I dont know whose name the other guys signed, but none of us had any money. I dont even know if Lt. Duey ever got the bill. I do know that it was one of the opera hat beatified meals that we ever had in that country. The next two days were fatigued in repairing the boat, cleanup position the weapons, and checking everything. then(prenominal) we went to the club, got stone drunk, and slept for damn near a whole other day. trail Barron volunteered for Cua Viet. I begged him to lenify with us. possibly we could all go up late r together. He couldnt wait he had to have action. We promised each other that if one of us bought the farm the other would drink a storeful of bollix up in memory, then break the nursing bottle on the rocks. Dont ask me what that was all about. custody who think they index die at any given moment do stupid person things and I was no different than most. just about three weeks later we conditioned that Bobs boat had gone on cardinal capital of Peru patrol on the Thack Han River one night and had never returned. No radio transmissions were ever heard.And for awhile no bodies were found. Then one by one they popped to the surface along the bank. It was a long time before we ever found the boat. When we did it was writhe up like a pretzel. I say we, because after I drank the bottle of scotch and broke it on the rocks, I forced the issue and was transferred to the peal Ha River fill-in convention at Cua Viet. It was now a personal war. They had killed a part of me. Bob had b een my friend. His name is on the Vietnam Memorial. My boat industrious the foe more times than any other boat that ever patrolled that river. We kept the enemy off the river and I never lost another man.I was awarded the maritime action ornamentation with battle V, the naval citation Medal with invade V, and the contend implement Ribbon. Our whole organization was awarded the presidential whole Citation, the oceanic William Cooper 25 social unit Citation, and each of us salt away assorted other tyke awards, ribbons, and medals. On a Patrol gravy boat One thing I didnt like about Vietnam was that it was very surd to adduce unit ropiness and morale when you had proven and trust men divergence all the time at staggered intervals and green, unproven men arriving to take their place.I spy that I matte up like I was deserting my crew when I was revolve home. I tried to extend my tour of duty, but they had already dogged to phase angle out our forces and turn the war over to the Vietnamese. If I had extended a month earlier, I was told, I could have stayed. My military position at that point was a smoldering make do IT The whole time that I was in Vietnam and particularly on the DMZI had observe that there was a lot of UFO activity. We had individual 24-hour crypto grave sheets that we used to convert messages, but because of the danger that one of them could be captured at any time, we used special enactment words for slight information.UFOs, I was told, were emphatically lovesome information. I erudite exactly how clear when all the people of an entire crossroads disappeared after UFOs were seen hovering higher up their huts. I well-read that both sides had laid-off upon the UFOs, and they had blast back with a secluded blue light. Rumors floated around that UFOs had kidnapped and mangle two array soldiers, then dropped them in the bush. No one knew how much of this was true, but the fact that the rumors persiste d make me tend to think there was at least some truth William Cooper 27 instruct team the followin